Is my thinking correct here? 800bb pot

Is my thinking correct here? 800bb pot

I usually play plo but wanted to try out wptGold, so loaded $20 to play .5c/.10c.

I had A3 and called a 3bb total raise with 1 bb already in. 4 ways to a flop of aj7.
PF raiser also with a stack over 400bbs bets 7.5bbs. Me and one other caller. Turn was a 3 and I check raised his $1.50 bet to $4 and he called. River was an Ace boating me up. I shoved thinking he had AK or AQ or possibly a set of Jack's or 7s.

Is this the right play? He had AJ.


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25 February 2025 at 04:17 AM

4 Replies

no right or wrong as long as u make money... would be nice to see some hand replay history though

by whatwhytypethis k

no right or wrong as long as u make money... would be nice to see some hand replay history though

That is results-oriented thinking and just isn’t true. Plus OP certainly did not make money off this particular hand since his boat lost to villains larger one.

by CardPlayer47 k

I usually play plo but wanted to try out wptGold, so loaded $20 to play .5c/.10c.

I had A3 and called a 3bb total raise with 1 bb already in. 4 ways to a flop of aj7.
PF raiser also with a stack over 400bbs bets 7.5bbs. Me and one other caller. Turn was a 3 and I check raised his $1.50 bet to $4 and he called. River was an Ace boating me up. I shoved thinking he had AK or AQ or possibly a set of Jack's or 7s.

Is this the right play? He had AJ.


First off, please do NOT post results when posting a hand. It makes it harder to give unbiased analysis and the result is irrelevant anyway. Second, please provide better hand history info. At least the positions of you and main villain would be nice to know. Also your stack size; you said villain is 400bb deep, are you also? Finally what was your hand? Was it A3s or A3o? Probably you should have folded pee if A3o.

Anyway, otth. PF you shouldnÂ’t already have 1BB in unless you are bb. Raise to try to go heads up or take it down, or fold. With multiple limpers involved folding isnÂ’t a bad option.

flop - here is where positions could help. Was it checked to a late position raiser or did the raiser just fire 3/4 pot into 3 opponents without any of them acting? Either one is a strong bet, but certainly a late position cbet after all check is less strong. This is pretty close to a range check for most players with a four way pot, so villain either is very strong or overly aggressive. Again position matters - were you first to call or did you overcall two other opponents? If first to call I probably raise instead to iso villain with the intent to fold to a 3-bet. A cbet plus two callers ahead of me - I probably just fold. Someone has better than top pair no kicker.

AP, turn obviously is a good card for you, but villain bet flop and got called by two opponents. He had every reason to check back turn unless he is strong. I just donÂ’t see a c/r here. We may have v beat, but thereÂ’s still (maybe, not clear if other hand folded to vÂ’s bet or your c/r) another hand here. We are not folding but we should tread carefully here and probably just call (especially if second villain already folded to primary villains bet. I could see a raise to iso vs primary villain as a reasonable play here)

River - AP, yeah shove is probably fine. Villains calling range does have a good number of weaker hands than yours. However, your play on previous streets led you to this point and maybe you shouldnÂ’t have gotten here the way you did.

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I was thinking as the pf raiser and last to act here he only raised to 3 bbs pre. I thought same as you that .75c 7.5 bbs on flop is pretty standard.. i feel like the turn check raise could've been like $3.25 up from 1.50 he bet only because his range at that point most likely is a10 or a9 around they're. The mistake I think is raising ton4.50 as with aj he reraises often and he Def. Could chose to reraise with aq or AK putting us in a tough position.. so based off of what the hand was telling us I feel that's where a mistake was made. It's good to follow the story line of how a hands being played for an expected outcome and opportunity's if patient are still prevalent I feel for big hands to be won by not acting eratically in a hand. And could've def. Folded pre.
