Facing River Probe with MP
PokerStars - $0.02 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (BTN): 100 BB
SB: 49 BB
BB: 118.5 BB
UTG: 36.5 BB
MP: 101.5 BB
CO: 180.5 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has 9♠ K♣
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, fold, BB calls 2 BB
Flop: (6.5 BB, 2 players) 5♣ J♣ 2♠
BB checks, Hero bets 2.5 BB, BB calls 2.5 BB
Turn: (11.5 BB, 2 players) 9♣
BB checks, Hero checks
River: (11.5 BB, 2 players) 3♦
BB bets 8 BB, fold
BB wins 11 BB
Didnt 2nd barrel 'cause I dont wanna face a x/raise.
River: both straight and flush get there. I block the flush with the King but i dont know if that's great because I block hands like KcTx that can call flop and bluff river.
4 Replies
why would u bet the flop though?
I'd probably call this one but it's w/e
Flop bet is fine, enough better hands will fold and plenty more on the majority of turn barrels. I would call river, players are reluctant to bet enough of their TP range with the draws coming in and there are a good few floats that miss (It will be relatively close though as a lot of the wheel/9x floats pickup showdown value)
Lol, btn vs blinds, they float super super wide on flops.
After turn check/check, they come out betting their whole range.
I personally always double barrel or delay cbet on btn vs blinds.