I need encuragement!!!! :confused:
I have played poker too long. Am i to harsh for not be able to fold this hand below, or would you just consider them variance?

And altso this... i felt it in my gut that he had PP 3 , but i was to weak to throw them away... i altso felt like PP 3's would check river after that turn.... so i called. but i really wanted to fold turn.

Tis years graph:

3 Replies
Hand #1: Main issue is....Why are you donking the flop? Beyond that you have TPT in a pot with an SPR of <2 so you can't really get away from it.
Hand 2#: When a villain 5x's the flop bet alarm bells should be going off. I'm not saying to fold but you ought to be putting him on a narrow range that will include 33, KQ and likely some combo flush+straight draws. After the turn, JT gets there as well. From my experience most villains aren't shoveling money into the pot like this with bare flush draws and that's all you really beat at this stage. Calling down hoping for a chop is never ideal, especially in a high rake environment.
Hand 1:
By donking we take away his potential bluffs and we isolate ourself vs strong range so by the action we take we increase the frequency in wich we run into AA. If we check and he bet his range is much weaker because then he has hands like AQo etc still there sometimes.
So basicly you take a line where the eq of your hand goes down alot and when getting all the money in you are more often behind then just xc line.
What was the reason for donk?
Hand 2:
intresting for sure he will not have enough bluffs here so we just need to ask ourself if we beat enough value so weaker 2pairs. He has potentialy 2 combos Q3s and 1 combo K3s but we went 3x preflop so already that could discount the Q3s to like 1 combo. Then also i dont think that he takes this line with every K3s Q3s so probably we end up finding best case 1 combo so realy close because it is just a 50% bet size on river so you need to be good 25% of the time so if he has this 1 combo of Q3 or K3s then we can call if he has not more then 4 combos value wich i dont expect here to be honest.
This does not include some chops vs KQo type hands so leaning more towards call then but just a ugly spot and if unsure better to overfold then to call to much in the lower stakes
Variance. Tho I would play them differently
h1: shove pre
h2: shove turn