Can someone explain solver

Can someone explain solver

Hi. Why does this combo with no backdoor FDs have almost 2 times less share of the pot? SRP, CO v SB, flop goes x-x, turn x-. It feels to me like it's not like those flop BFDs matter after this action, and turn bringing only one FD

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02 March 2025 at 03:28 PM

10 Replies

Hmm, good question. While I never used solvers and I had to guess, the board is favored to CO on the turn.

Hence, the solver suggests to bet big to represent full house/ sets/ straight / 2p as a bluff to force sb with KJs/KQs ++ to pay for a big draw. Forcing villain to fold or call for an expensive bfd. It could even double barrel at river again for effectiveness.

What do u all think?

My question was, Kd5d has 11.5% share of pot if checked and Kh5h or Kc5c has 23.7% if action was checked down to turn, OOP checks again and none of those combos improved or worsened

board texture

CO's flop betting range is more weighted towards hands with bdfd -> checking range is more weighted towards diamonds.

On the turn, SB prefers to bluff with non-diamonds, to unblock the diamonds that will fold. As a result, a lot of the hands that SB himself gives up end up behind diamonds.

So if CO has a hand like K5dd, it tends to block more of SB's check folding range - resulting in lower EV.

That would be my guess.

by keuwai k

CO's flop betting range is more weighted towards hands with bdfd -> checking range is more weighted towards diamonds.

On the turn, SB prefers to bluff with non-diamonds, to unblock the diamonds that will fold. As a result, a lot of the hands that SB himself gives up end up behind diamonds.

So if CO has a hand like K5dd, it tends to block more of SB's check folding range - resulting in lower EV.

That would be my guess.

Agree with this one i think also it has something to do with sb having more diamond combos in his range. When it goes check check villain will again bluff more non diamonds because he want to unblock our diamonds that we checked back more frequent on the turn therefore when we hold non diamonds we get more often the opportunity to steal the pot on the river.
Also i think villain should use non diamonds as a checkraise bluff more often then diamond combos therefore we get alos more frequently check raised when holding diamonds so overall just higher eq realisation with non diamonds i guess.

Thanks guys, appreciate it. This kind of blockers analysis is kind of over my head as 25NL reg. Great to see that there's much room for improvement

by whatwhytypethis k

board texture

No way :shocked: I thought it's just that solvers dislike blue cards

by Krevete k

Thanks guys, appreciate it. This kind of blockers analysis is kind of over my head as 25NL reg. Great to see that there's much room for improvement

no worry keep staying curious and keep asking questions

Listen man, don't get caught up in seeing the trees for the forest (theoretical GTO bullshit rabbit holes). In this case equity are the trees and expected value is the forest. In actual games, especially against weaker opponents, exploitative adjustments (aka POKER) often supercede pure GTO strategy ESPECIALLY on later streets. While equity is important it's a means to determining ev and which way to go when we cone to the GTO<->EXPLOIT fork in the road.

Here's my AI generated explanation:

On early streets, raw equity is more important because there are more cards to come, ranges are wider, and more possibilities exist for hands to improve. Pot odds and implied odds play a bigger role in decision-making at these stages.

However, on later streets (turn, river), expected value becomes more crucial because there are fewer or no cards left to come, and ranges are more defined. The focus shifts to exploiting opponent tendencies, and concepts like bluffing frequencies and value betting become more important than raw equity calculations.

In other words...your opponents don't give **** about equity distribution when they're simply playing poker.

.... now does this mean we ignore GTO and equity calcs? F+CK NO! Intuitively knowing that combos with no backdoor flush draws has more semi-bluffing opportunities and can continue more profitably on later streets BECAUSE they have less equity is also crucial to navigatingthese later street minefields. Knowing that these hands have better playability and maintain better board coverage overall. Dig? So if we know, via taking the time to study GTO, that
without backdoor possibilities, the hand becomes more "one-dimensional" and harder to play profitably in many later spots, hence the reduced equity in these GTO solutions actually helps us in decision making spots in later streets. BUT this takes significant study time investment. (Lifetime study which is why I am still here). I'm a musician so I think of GTO often similarly to music theory: I understand and have spent my life studying it, but Im not thinking about it explicitly while I'm jamming over "Chord changes" ... I'm just <doing> it.

by nonsimplesimon k

Listen man, don't get caught up in seeing the trees for the forest (theoretical GTO bullshit rabbit holes). In this case equity are the trees and expected value is the forest. In actual games, especially against weaker opponents, exploitative adjustments (aka POKER) often supercede pure GTO strategy ESPECIALLY on later streets. While equity is important it's a means to determining ev and which way to go when we cone to the GTO<->EXPLOIT fork in the road.

Here's my AI generated explanation

well I was like I know GTO principles but it kills creativity and is not max EV too, until I hit 20 BI EV downswing while taking shot at new limit (50NL), then I'm like I don't even know what poker is anymore, lol, so just went with full GTO training mode. Appreciate your input
