Can't win with premium hands no matter how large I make PFR bet 3bet 4bet. All players loosing

Can't win with premium hands no matter how large I make PFR bet 3bet 4bet. All players loosing

Playing 0.2/0.5 Coinpoker

Note most tables have an average vpip% 15-30 3bet% 5-25.
But the players usually have a 3bet call of over 50%!

I'm under the UTG2 with Premium hand and open raise 3bb I'll get 4 callers.
If I do the same but open 9bb/15bb/25bb I'll still get at least 2 callers.

When facing a bet pre-flop, I can 3bet 3x/5x/10 their bet and get 2 callers.

I go to the flop 3 ways with AK QQ JJ, I'm facing sets, 2 pair, straight and flush draws.

When I get to the river I can never value bet as I'm usually facing an all in and lose.

I searched my Poker tracker for winning players and only found one player. He had a 3bet call of 58%

So should I just go back to 3bb opening and 3x their bet as a 3bet? Or any other Ideas

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05 March 2025 at 05:00 AM

1 Reply

i would recommend to not overreact to negative variance and just be patient. If you realy get very frequent alot of callers when sizing up with your 3b then do so as a exploit with your pemium holdings and 3b in generall more linear and value heavy (stay away from hands like T9s etc and more AQo KQo etc).
If you get so much calls this means that you have great tables and players that willing to put money into the pot with weak hands wich is great.
Watch out for your expectations normaly when we see AA we expect already to win money so loosing money hurts much more a good thing to do is to already imagine loosing your stack and
preparing for worst case scenario like this your reaction when this realy happens will be much less intense.
Poker is mentaly very challanging and it forces you to face your emotions wich is pretty uncomfortable but thats also why poker is great for developing more self awarness and becoming a better human.
Watch out when you start complaining about things and seeing everywhere the negative etc. most likley also victim mentality holding you back.
So overall just keep playing your ranges and adjust by using bigger 3b sizings if they are realy crazy stations.
Meditation helps with the mental part and like i said watch out for the victim mentality (everything is against me type of thing) that makes you weak
