Pocket Kings but an Ace on the flop with a better and caller 7max coinpoker
Would you fold here?
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker Tracking Software
NL Holdem 0.02(BB)
CO ($1.93) [VPIP: 25.7% | PFR: 17.1% | AGG: 35.4% | Hands: 472]
BTN ($4.80) [VPIP: 28.5% | PFR: 20.8% | AGG: 39.5% | Hands: 263]
SB ($1.93) [VPIP: 49.7% | PFR: 19.3% | AGG: 26% | Flop Agg: 19.4% | Turn Agg: 30.2% | 3Bet: 11% | 4Bet: 30% | Cold Call: 37% | Hands: 307]
BB ($2.88) [VPIP: 57.8% | PFR: 31.3% | AGG: 23% | Flop Agg: 20.7% | Turn Agg: 22.2% | 3Bet: 25% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 50% | Hands: 64]
HERO ($7.82) [VPIP: 18.4% | PFR: 13.2% | AGG: 36% | Flop Agg: 42.2% | Turn Agg: 33% | 3Bet: 4.7% | 4Bet: 4.1% | Hands: 3154]
UTG_1 ($2) [VPIP: 16.5% | PFR: 12.7% | AGG: 36.1% | Hands: 10370]
MP ($2.12) [VPIP: 20.2% | PFR: 14.4% | AGG: 34% | Hands: 1260]
Dealt to Hero: K♦ K♠
HERO Raises To $0.16, UTG_1 Folds, MP Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Calls $0.15, BB Calls $0.14
Hero SPR on Flop: [3.69 effective]
Flop ($0.48): A♦ 4♥ J♣
SB Bets $0.46 (Rem. Stack: $1.31), BB Calls $0.46 (Rem. Stack: $2.26), HERO Folds
Turn ($1.40): A♦ 4♥ J♣ 9♠
SB Bets $1.31 (allin), BB Folds
SB wins: $1.33
4 Replies
Yes I would fold. They loose af, prob have some Ax or low ppairs. Flop isn't on your side. If you feel like it you can raise, but not sure about the sizing.
Yeah fold is good - Even with how loose these players are, they will rarely be leading an Ace high flop multiway for near pot without a strong hand.
Wp, perfect.
If you would start counting possible AX combos they both could have, you would realise its not even close.
A2- 12 combos, A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AT AJ AQ which they both could have.
would u count A4 inside ur combo? because there is 4 on the board.
AJ unlikely because they would raise and sometimes shove.....