Ac3c oop - keep the heat on or give up?
I haven't gotten the IGGY HH yet because the grabber has been spotty - I'll just relay it here:
NL10nl 6M CASH
LJ - Fold
HJ (102.6BB) - Opens to 2BB
CO (174.3 BB) - 3B min clicks it to 5BB
BU - Fold
Hero (110.2 bb SB) - Ac3c .... Cold 4B 15BB (keeping with villain's small sizes) - I am probably 4b A5s more than half the time and A4s and A3s a small percentage of the time ...
BB - Fold
HJ - Folf
CO - Call
FLOP 31.4BB - 7h8h5c
Hero - continues: 11.4 BB; CO - calls
TURN 53.2BB - - 7h8h5c (7s)
Hero (with 84.2BB behind) ... ?
If I shove I think I have massive fold equity versus Ax that beats me and a few pp - although I don't think he's folding 99+ but he might because I'm uncapped and he is ... and he might call with meh straight draws and flush draws that - with my Ace hi - I'm slightly ahead. But - if I check I am essentially yielding this pot to villain.
5 Replies
I would still only 4b this spot with premiums (um KQs, AJ/Ts, TT+). A5s probably fine with A blocker but A3s is a punt, we shouldn't be mixing vs fish, it make no sense. They'll call too much, some fish will have a strong range here, we're almost never getting paid with this combo. The only good outcome is a double folf and that's unlikely.
Why u play A3s OOP? y u 4bet OOP? i definitely would not do that.
Clearly villain ain't folding, so it's time to give it up and let go.
or go all in.... (bad advice)
I try to go lineal vs fish 3B (this guy is a whale so even more so). I would only cold 4B this hand if I think I could be getting 2 folds a lot, which is clearly not the case here.
Even if his a Whale that you have a skill edge on, your OOP.
This min 3B from whale imo is lineal strong range(could be on premiums) and I think his calling close to range vs your 4B.
Would rather do this with KQo then A3s and only if I saw how wide he min 3B.
One more thing here is that your hand would be fine to 4b if you are very deep with the fish like 200+ blinds then you have more implied odds when hitting a big hand and you can outplay the fish easyer so just overall more eq realisation and ev.
If you are not deep then going for a strong linear range best as long no stats or information on fish that he is very spewy pre.
I would give up flop and/or turn. Mostly just folding pre vs. fish as they do not fold enough.