NL100: SB 3-bets Turn, I Jam—Run It Twice for 300BB Pot

NL100: SB 3-bets Turn, I Jam—Run It Twice for 300BB Pot

Playing NL100, 149BB (Hero) vs. 159BB (Villain). SB (villain) opens to 3BB, I flat in BB with K3.

Flop comes 4 Q 7, villain checks, I check back.

Turn is 2, bringing a backdoor flush draw. Villain fires 8.7BB, I click it back to 17.3BB. He 3-bets to 48.2BB, and I rip it for 146BB. He snap calls with KQ.

We agree to run it twice. Pot is 296BB. Rivers come 6 J, and I scoop the whole thing.

I had played many hands against this rec before and knew he loved overbetting and re-raising to steal pots. I was 100% sure my jam was correct based on his tendencies. I had ~35% equity on the turn with my flush draw, so even though I was behind, I was never in terrible shape. Just got lucky this time and binked the backdoor.

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11 March 2025 at 02:08 PM

9 Replies

by vajex k

Playing NL100, 149BB (Hero) vs. 159BB (Villain). SB (villain) opens to 3BB, I flat in BB with K3.

Flop comes 4 Q 7, villain checks, I check back.

Turn is 2, bringing a backdoor flush draw. Villain fires 8.7BB, I click it back to 17.3BB. He 3-bets to 48.2BB, and I rip it for 146BB. He snap calls with KQ.

We agree to run it twice. Pot is 296BB. Rivers come 6 J, and I scoop the whole thing.

I had played many hands against this rec before and knew he loved overbetting and re-raising to steal pots. I was

how was it 35~? u count your K cards too eh? it doesn't make sense unless u run it twice ... but isn't the odds reduced? I think normally the equity should be around uh 19%

Yup correct

If your read is that good then I don't see why not. I myself have issue with overvalueing my reads a lot.

by vajex k

Yup correct

but if you run it twice and hit a flush on the first run, your odds decreases on the second run right?

so first one hit =20%

second run combo = 8 cards left so around 15%

20+15 = 35%

You were 20% on the turn.

This is just awful. Both players way overplayed their hands, but you gii terrible.

I saw mr kid poker on that day said that running it twice has some math, either it can make villain fold which is 0ev from them or call

How do we do the math? (Someone help)

By running it twice u have 20% chance to win first run
Another 20 % chance to win second (assuming they run independently)

So its like betting 50% of Stack to win 20% of the time by making a flush.

So that kinda reduces the variance and reward people to take more risks.

I dont usually run multiple times to experience full tilt poker…. Anyway its micro stakes ��

You had such a weak draw on the turn. You should have just called his turn bet. It isn't a good idea to gii 20% to win. It would have been even worse if he had a set. You were trying to get him to fold, but he called with TPGK. It doesn't matter much how many times you run it, this is just bad.

I also don't see what the click it back accomplishes. He doesn't fold to it much. I guess if he calls, you can bluff the river unimproved. Once he 3-bets, then you may not be getting the right odds and need to fold. Better to flat call and not get blown off your draw. He shouldn't be 3-bet/folding enough to shove.

You are better than 20% if he had some pair below kings. When you shove though, you should have very low equity if called.

Just horrible. You gii for 150xBB with an SPR of over 20 going to the turn with a flush draw on the turn. You don't just get allin with any draw on the turn. Very basic.
