UTG vs SB realistic 3-bet range
Playing 10K hands of GG R&C 10NL for the past 3 days, I've realized that there is literally 0 bluff on 3 bet pot. Since they fold all suited connectors and low pockets, they have no hand to bluff on the river or I can fold out. To exploit, I started to build more realistic calling range from EP player vs SB 3-bet. I would like to take advice.
Let's start with SB. Due to preflop rake on GG, GTO flats a lot with 'not good enough to 3-bet and face 4-bet' hands like suited broadway. so their 3-bet range is full of value hands. I've made an adjustment based on my experience.

As 3-bet range is quite tight, I've tighten up a little bit of UTG calling range but not much different from the optimal range.

I would be very happy to hear your opinion.
2 Replies
Is there some hand history in there somewhere?
Your adjusted UTG’s calling range makes sense given the pool tendencies.
Given a value-heavy SB 3-bet range, you should tighten your UTG calling range. However, it’s critical not to overfold much, as UTG still needs to defend a reasonable portion of its opening range.
Fold more on rivers and focus on value extraction rather than bluff-catching.
Feel free to share your hands for further discussion.