Do I have to call this on the river?

I think turn is a reasonable check. Betting all Kx will make my check range weak and kicker is low.
On the river after 75% stab on the turn, do I call this?
Value candidate
- Flush
- KQ with spade-> probably check
- TT, 88, 66
Bluff candidate
- AQ w/ spade
- 99 w/ spade (maybe)
Given the pool tendency, I do not find much bluff here because their calling range to 3-bet is very tight.
The sizing was very suspicious as well. The villain tried to make me call in my opinion.
3 Replies
Can't see what you beat, I feel you made your life a bit harder by not cbetting flop and turn though, which I think would have made it a lot easier to check fold the river.
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You only have to beat him 25% of times for the call to be right. It'a an easy call, he could take a stab with so many worse hands.
you're worried about having a weak x range, but if you don't play against your opponents on the regs, does it matter?
play your hand for it's relative strength until you reach the point where having a balanced checking range matters. in such a case, V has checked the FD ip, removing a lot of spade draws from his range. turn bet is weak as he hasn't bet large to protect, he's gone half pot which imo polarises him to Kxss, diamond+SD combos and some, little, but some air. river looks value heavy but we unblock missed diamonds and only have to be right 25% of the time to breakeven.
we're not jumping for joy, but folding in this spot is to be exploited. hate life and call