[LetsPlayPokahKid.com] Official thread
My name is Dom LaRosa and I have been working on an online home poker game since the start of the Covid pandemic. I am looking to recruit some folks to help beta test the site. I've done tons of testing but there is nothing like real world use to find the issues. I have read all of your rules for this site and I don't want to violate any of them. I need help getting the word out and that is the purpose for reaching out to you. Your site seems to have a bunch of folks interested in exactly what I am offering.
LetsPlayPokahKid.com is not like every other casino site out there with HoldEm and other casino-style games. LetsPlayPokahKid.com is for playing all the home games we know and love. The oddball games with wild cards and stupid rules are all here. I have been looking for years to find something like LetsPlayPokahKid.com, but I haven't been able to find anything remotely close. Covid hit and everyone was driven indoors to suffer in quiet isolation. I started coding the site then and this many years later, it's ready for prime time (I hope).
I've attached some screenshots of a pokah table playing High Chicago. I've also attached screenshots with a list games I have implemented. I have an engine that is easily configured for new games of any style. If you have any games you'd like to see available, send me the name and rules and I will add them to catalog.
The site is deployed in AWS and ready to go. If you are interested, I'll make it available to you so that you can check it out further. I hope that you have some interest in spreading the word on this most awesome site for playing home pokah games.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Dom LaRosa