[GGPoker]: Natural8, etc

[GGPoker]: Natural8, etc

Anybody heard of this site? If yes, how is it?

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15 March 2016 at 06:59 AM

573 Replies


HI. Approximately how many bb/100 are paid in NL200 and NL500? I´m 28/21/8

Lots of new Russians in the RnC pool. They limp a lot and seem like fish, but play pretty well and aggressive postflop. They’re obviously exploitable, but seem a little sus, given the number of them and their country of origin.

by eduargentina k

HI. Approximately how many bb/100 are paid in NL200 and NL500? I´m 28/21/8


by 10najkrajsi k


Thanks, in nl200 or 500?

In nl1000?

I play 28/21/9

by FreddyTheFish k

Has GG changed the HUD or what, but the 3b stats are kind of low since the last update? I guess I haven't seen any 20+% few days.

had this feeling as well for the past 2-3 days - barely see anything above 15%

by eduargentina k

HI. Approximately how many bb/100 are paid in NL200 and NL500? I´m 28/21/8

by eduargentina k

Thanks, in nl200 or 500?

In nl1000?

I play 28/21/9

Good job on increasing your 3bet!

by a23k08i03s11 k

had this feeling as well for the past 2-3 days - barely see anything above 15%

maybe they are finally correct now? They always used to be insane numbers that you never saw on any other site with a normal (i.e. correct) hud

by Slugant k

Good job on increasing your 3bet!

thanks lol, but do you know how many bb/100 rake is paid in nl200 -500 - 1k?

I remenber 4 years ago I paid about to 10bb/100 in nl200, but rake maybe change now

by eduargentina k

thanks lol, but do you know how many bb/100 rake is paid in nl200 -500 - 1k?

I remenber 4 years ago I paid about to 10bb/100 in nl200, but rake maybe change now

Primedope has it for every stake:


No way this site is pulling 250k daily, deffo just riddled with house bots set up to generate rake and action

by MicroDonkYT k

Primedope has it for every stake:


Thanks. But it is not really true.

I remenber that in my DDBB I paid 4 year ago

NL200 9.6 bb/100
NL500 7.7 bb/100

I was about to 29/21/8 and primedope It showed me that it paid a lower rake... maybe work fine primedope

by eduargentina k

Thanks. But it is not really true.

I remenber that in my DDBB I paid 4 year ago

NL200 9.6 bb/100
NL500 7.7 bb/100

I was about to 29/21/8 and primedope It showed me that it paid a lower rake... maybe work fine primedope

I believe it doesn't factor in the BBJ, which should be neutral EV over the long run.

by MicroDonkYT k

I believe it doesn't factor in the BBJ, which should be neutral EV over the long run.

what is BBJ?

The problem with paying about to 8bb at NL500 is that we start off losing double or more than in another room like as PS o similar with lower rake

bad beat jackpot, you also pay rake for that

by MicroDonkYT k

I believe it doesn't factor in the BBJ, which should be neutral EV over the long run.

if by "long run" you mean several hundred lifetimes then yes. I hit my first BBJ after 1,1M hands which is for most ppl 2-3 years of playing

Thanks, in nl200 or 500?

In nl1000?

I play 28/21/9

it was for nl200

I heard about the new promotion with 50% rakeback.
So i am about to sign up to GGpoker.

Am i right in that you can choose this promotion after you have signed up?
You dont need to fill in a bonus code or something during the registration, right?

I am also looking for a big and trustworthy affiliate on GG. The two guys i worked with usually does not handle GG.

by 10najkrajsi k

if by "long run" you mean several hundred lifetimes then yes. I hit my first BBJ after 1,1M hands which is for most ppl 2-3 years of playing

I hit a 13k BBJ at 200nl within 30k hands, so obviously, there is a ton of variance. Long run means what it means.

by DB79 k

I heard about the new promotion with 50% rakeback.
So i am about to sign up to GGpoker.

Am i right in that you can choose this promotion after you have signed up?
You dont need to fill in a bonus code or something during the registration, right?

You can just opt in from the fishbuffet.

by PLOwingpots k

This isn’t accurate. It’s pretty well known that GG allows players to play on unverified accounts using VPNs and agents to deposit and withdraw money for them. Many of the pros know it, and choose to jump up and down and act concerned about bots, but completely ignore this issue. It’s discussed across many major forums and discord group.

How many players do you think are using this system to multi account or use bots to steal money and then easily withdraw it without having to

Can someone please mediate me a trustworthy contact/agent for this, because I would also like to play in the GGNetwork. Gladly by PM

I donk know if here there is a Official Manager from GG or skin, but, is possible use Jurojin? Is safe or is it prohibited by the room?

If I will Play just NL200, about to 25k hands per month, is good option choice killer whale? Cause now I earn 5688 fpp in just 300 hands (19 fpp/hand), but I think that on the future I could get less fpp per hand if I a winner player

Is it possible to assign a hotkey and directly bet 50% of the pot? Because I only get 50% of the pot to appear in the bet box, but then I have to manually hit bet

by eduargentina k

Is it possible to assign a hotkey and directly bet 50% of the pot? Because I only get 50% of the pot to appear in the bet box, but then I have to manually hit bet

by ImePaskaa k

Fold and call work fine, but every hotkey to bet, not bet me automatically... its show me amount to bet but I need manually press to bet
