2NL Small pot on a big board
Any point in betting turn as well here? AP, is this an easy fold on the river?
[converted_hand][hand_history]PokerStars - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3
CO: $2.09 (104.5 bb)
BTN: $3.44 (172 bb)
SB: $2.80 (140 bb)
BB: $2.25 (112.5 bb)
Hero (UTG): $2.00 (100 bb)
SB posts $0.01, BB posts $0.02
Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has 3♠ 3♣
Hero raises to $0.08, 2 folds, SB calls $0.07, fold
Flop: ($0.18, 2 players) A♠ 5♥ 8♦
SB checks, Hero bets $0.10, SB calls $0.10
Turn: ($0.38, 2 players) 5♦
SB checks, Hero checks
River: ($0.38, 2 players) 5♠
SB bets $0.36, Hero ?
2 Replies
Preflop police here, you violated the law and your hand is forfeit.
As played, i would check or at least bet smaller on the flop. As played, yeah i think it should be a fold river.
Fold pre. Fold river.