Canadian Blackjack (made up home game, simi BJ related)

Canadian Blackjack (made up home game, simi BJ related)

Play this made up game in a home poker game wondering on correct Strategy

1. Dealer places amount of money in the pot (there is a min)
2. Deals one face down card to each player, then a face up card to himself
3.One player at a time plays the dealer, Player can bet any amount up to the pot (there is a min).
4. Player can hit or stand (no double, split) all cards delt face up (must announce if you bust
5. Dealer can hit or stand as he choses (eg. can stand 16 or hit 18)
6. Dealer wins push
7. If dealer wins $ get added to pot
8. If player wins $ comes of of pot
9. If pot is wiped out that dealers turn is over
10. After each player, dealer gets new upcard and next player can bet whatever they want. repeat steps 4,5

12 December 2011 at 09:23 PM

1 Reply

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I was at a home game this week and someone requested this game. There was one major change though in that the dealer did not deal himself a face up card first. The procedure was:

1. There is a fixed amount of dealer money in the pot.
2. Each player received a face up card. The dealer received a face-down card.
3. The first player decides on how much he wants to bet.
4. Only after the player bet amount is made does the dealer deal himself the face up card
5. Play continues as a usual heads-up blackjack hands. No splits, no doubles, and dealer wins all ties.
6. Repeat steps 1-5 for the next player

Without knowing basic strategy, as a player I min-bet 2-9 and max bet 10/A.

Has anyone played this variant or have analytics on it?
