mind controll

mind controll

does anyone else around these parts believe in this

28 March 2024 at 08:17 PM

19 Replies

Propaganda and advertising are things.

Neuralink is a thing

I believe in kaiser rolls. Never heard of a cont roll before.

I willl

by Garick k

I believe in kaiser rolls. Never heard of a cont roll before.

cant see how copying kaiser could control people from pasting anything they want into a chat box
bananas to be late when slinging each side sharp but dull keyboard shortcuts

A+ obscure slingblade reference.

I can't decide if this thread is a kind of troll or a sign for rickroll.

I just want to post to get on the ground floor of this thread in case it happens to take off and a decade from now it’s 12,000 posts of randomness.

Also, that spelling error in the title is going to drive me crazy so I hope it doesn’t get changed. It bugs me but adds flavor.

Three weeks from now, I will be reaping my crops in Manchuria.

Imagine where you will be, and it will be so.

It's a piece of cake.
You get on board any time you like.

I used to think it was bullshit until I saw a documentary on this airheaded runway model guy. He obviously wasn't the brightest so maybe he was just more susceptible. Anyway, he was eventually brainwashed into trying to kill the prime minister of Malaysia.

I mean operation artichoke and mk ultra are somewhat well documented.

The monarch program is more controversial.

So people certainly looked into it and developed techniques. How far it goes is tough to say but it got real weird and dark for sure.

Its actually really fascinating if you look into it. Laurel canyon and how many of the counter culture icons of the day have ,military or alphabet agency ties.

What were Charles Mansons ties to Mk Ultra?

What exactly happened to Ted Kaczynski when he was a Mk Ultra subject?

What the hell was going on with Sirhan Sirhan? Was he brainwashed?

Its very interesting rabbit hole.

Broken YouTube Link

My mind is controlled by my penis.

I read you loud and clear, and I approve this thread,

Major Tom

Thank you, Father, for hiding these things from the learned and the wise...and revealing them to the innocent and the simple.

The vagina has amazing powers.

Eat popcorn and drink coca-cola
