Why did Biff start his own casino?
With the Sports Almanac, he basically had unlimited free money in his hands. He didn’t need the cost and stress involved with running a casino. Sure, he earns some income from it but why would he care when he already has unlimited income?
what's this nebulous "house" you're referring to?
quite a few people made millions betting through intermediaries pushing single digit edges, imagine how much damage someone who never loses would do - just a variance-free ride straight to the sky
he wouldn't ever care if he got stiffed by a bookie here and there
and it's not like you need 100% cash on hand to build a casino hotel - those kind of projects are typically leveraged through the roof, most of the money would be spent on "lobbying"
I’m not the only one referring to the house but there really isn’t anything nebulous about it.
It seems a lot of people are giving Biff credit for knowing how to leverage, lobby, or any other such business concept. Have people forgotten what a complete imbecile he was portrayed to be? Even future him calls him a moron.
Dude lucked into millions and everyone is acting like he’s some savvy business guru now.
Speaking of which, these movies are teenage comedies. There has been more time spent here thinking deeply about this aspect of the plot than the writers did about the whole movie.
It's all in the power of love.
Speaking of which, these movies are teenage comedies. There has been more time spent here thinking deeply about this aspect of the plot than the writers did about the whole movie.
I gather from this post that you want a deeper dive into the history of Biff’s Pleasure Paradise Casino. Ask and you shall receive:
I started googling the timeline of events. It seems Biff was born in 1937. This makes him approximately, depended on his birth month, 18 when future Biff gifted him the Sports Almanac in November 1955.
BTTF2 states he made his first million on a horse race at the age of 21, so 1958.
According to Futurepedia, Biff DID lobby the California legislature to legalize gambling and they did so in 1979. By 1980, he had converted the old clock tower into Biff’s Pleasure Paradise Casino.
I’m starting to go along with the previously mentioned theory that not only did he get banned from betting elsewhere, he realized he could rig the odds in his own casino to set it up so he wins when others bet, too. And by being the wealthiest man in Hill Valley, he could be the first to build the biggest and best casino in the land once gambling was legalized. And with the cops on his payroll, it quickly became a bastion of lawlessness and corruption which he, no doubt, profited greatly from.
So perhaps it was I who was wrong for assuming Biff was stupid. He certainly was a jerk and stupid in the conventional academic sense, but when given enough resources, he was able to put his street smarts to good use and manipulate the system to his advantage.
I would also venture a guess that Biff really has craved power his whole life rather than money. He constantly attempted to control those around him, though not for financial gain. The way he treated George, Marty, his gang, and Lorraine was all about power and control. So even when he had the wealth, he still felt unfulfilled.
Opening his own casino and taking control of the town was the only way, in his mind, to achieve what he considered to be success.
Furthermore, Biff went so far as to kill George in order to force Lorraine to marry him. His complete lack of empathy and insatiable hunger for control clearly illustrates what a true sociopath Biff was.
You guys realize that Biff, at least in the timeline where he owned a casino, was a parody of Donald Trump. When one luckboxes into a good amount of money to start with and no morals whatsoever, it's surprising what can be accomplished.
I would also venture a guess that Biff really has craved power his whole life rather than money. He constantly attempted to control those around him, though not for financial gain. The way he treated George, Marty, his gang, and Lorraine was all about power and control. So even when he had the wealth, he still felt unfulfilled.
Steinbrenner or Jerry Jones?
Definitely could have bought sports franchises and killed the draft repeatedly.
In the third BTTF, the future is unwritten
In the second, it is written
What am I missing here?
I gather from this post that you want a deeper dive into the history of Biff’s Pleasure Paradise Casino. Ask and you shall receive:
I started googling the timeline of events. It seems Biff was born in 1937. This makes him approximately, depended on his birth month, 18 when future Biff gifted him the Sports Almanac in November 1955.
BTTF2 states he made his first million on a horse race at the age of 21, so 1958.
According to Futurepedia, Biff DID lobby the California legislature to legalize gamblin
Right on the tick. Amazing! Absolutely amazing.
Join Date: Aug 2008 Posts: 10
well played, well played
great scott indeed