Swinging Balls on my desk?
2plush2... I need your assistance.
I has Office. I would like to turn said office space into Zen-Zone-Bat-Cave for optimal thinking. What does the Bat Cave need? (I've already nailed the Bat Phone, Batmobile, and Procured the services of an OAP called Alfred. Batsuit not req'd as I'll mainly just be sitting around in my yellow and brown y-fronts for the majority of the time)
Anyway... some shiznit like this would be useful... but stuff that actually makes you feel optimal! know wha' i'm saying?
10 Replies
why are my pics from the history black now> I posted cool sheeeit in here to build the ultimate desk. and came back to find what I posted no longer exists.
I had never heard of morph until this thread got bumped and made me google it. I though it was a ref to the mod "Morph's Hair." Looks like a cheap British knock-off of Gumby.
You've had 13 years to build the optimal desk. Pics or gtfo.
This thread is really lacking a photoshop of Eddie Murphy's face on Morphs body
mofo, I cam cum on bak to build it, I thought twoplutwp was some kinda artichoke for img resrouces.... now I gotta faking think super hard about what I posted and build. post ur pic first. in here and I'll Dom it I promise, you'll need a safe word in the url that will disappear in 13 years time
prusa, got one already. plus a garage.
doit, and I'll stake u.
There must must must be a way to see pics that other ppl posted some I can troll them 14 years laters without them knowing?????????? god damit, I'm unimpress.
I can remember what I posted, how do I remember what other ppl posted. I'm soo upset.
You have a metal printer?
Yeah a plastic engine block seems like a bad idea.