Why is Uncyclopedia so unfunny?

Why is Uncyclopedia so unfunny?

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I think that Wikipedia is competitive with professionally written encyclopedias like Britannica. But I think Uncyclopedia, a satirical version of Wikipedia, is vastly inferior to professional satire such as The Onion.

Why is this the case? A few possibilities:

- My view is uncommon. A lot of peope would say Uncyclopedia > The Onion.
- Good satire is much harder to write than than good encylopedia entries. A professional encyclopedia contributor isn't going to be much better than a good amateur, so a lot of good amateurs working together can produce something credible. There is, however, a wider gulf for comedy.
- There is much less consensus on how an article should be written, leading to bad ideas sticking.
- Wikis are not suitable for humour. This is because humour is more dependent on the whole product, so adding new content can make the article much worse. Whereas with Wikipedia, you can more or less combine individual essays and it works out all right.

12 September 2011 at 05:01 AM

3 Replies

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I have an account on Uncyclopedia, and it actually is funny. Besides, how many of you have actually even looked at it?

I'm thinking that the opinion of someone so into Uncyclopedia that they search the web for related content and then make an account to bump a 13 year old thread might just represent a minority opinion.

I remember reading this thread 13 years ago and not visiting Uncyclopedia and not expecting to now.
