Pet Pictures

Pet Pictures

It seems like there's a lot of conflict and unhappiness in the world these days. It gets me down. One of the few things

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03 February 2017 at 12:05 AM

504 Replies


Parker is a tired doggy.....

by Randall Stevens k

My last dog was on prednisone for the last 3 months. Life expectancy was 6-12 months with chemo. He had a very good, active 3 months and I was fine with that, but I will always second guess myself about that decision.

Good luck with him.

If the last months were good, that's a good outcome. I worry about watching him fade away, and knowing when time is up. And that final decision isn't really up to me. (My brother pays his bills)

Thanks for the good wishes all

11 months a puppy
surgery was the birthday present
home recouperating after being spayed this morning
