Badugi dealt hand odds

Badugi dealt hand odds

Hi All,

I played my first hand of Badugi last night. I've been wondering what the odds are of being dealt a 1- 2- 3-card or Badugi hand are. I had a brief look around the forums and web, but didn't see much, so I decided to work them out.

What I found is:
Probability of being dealt:

  • 1-card: 1%
  • 2-card: 36%
  • 3-card: 57%
  • Badugi: 6%

I may have made some mistakes (I've put the decision tree below) since I'm only 90% sure I have the hand rankings waxed.

Do the numbers seem about right?

Unfortunately, I can't work out how to post HTML tables here, so, the decision tree is in an Excel file

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01 June 2010 at 10:00 AM

1 Reply

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still have an excel file of decision tree? or anyone something similiar?

EDIT: oh lol, 15 years ago. hope you alive and well haha
