claim that online casinos are rigged
this person from Quora makes a compelling argument
but I'm not by any means sure that he's correct
what is your opinion as to the accuracy of his claims____________?____________obviously his claim probably does not apply to games dealt by a live human dealer
" I have played blackjack for decades, all over the planet. From Vegas to Macau, from Atlantic City to Amsterdam, From Barcelona to the Borsch Belt. Read what I am about to write very carefully:
The hosting web sites of Draftkings, Wynn, Golden Nugget, FanDual, MGM, et al, that market behind the glitzy stars and celebrities, without exception, subcontract to the “pseudo random number generating” publicly traded shills such as NetVent and SGP. These subcontracted operatives use algorithms that prohibit the player from winning any hand that is deemed ( by computer and player history ) as “substantial”
What does this mean? Stated simply, all players are profiled by there betting style. The algorithm is then translated to only allow for the lower amount of the player’s bets to win, or “streak”; often accompanied by the software parlance’s congratulatory promos ( ie., “you’ve won 5X in a row”! ). You gain no points for being a valued member, good sport, or whatever con game you run on yourself to rationalize addictive behavior.
Once that same player has been seduced to raising whatever standard bet they make, BANG, the algorithm clamps it’s virtual teeth: Suddenly, the player is steamrolled by BlackJacks and 6 card 21’s. The algorithm is easily discernible by any seasoned player and, as such, the losses can be limited. For example, by avoiding doubling down, regardless of what the dealer is showing as an up card, and avoiding ALL large chase bets, you are less likely to succumb to the avalanche of highly suspect hard beats. You will never win any money.
Those who do manage to stay afloat will, in time, succumb to the exorbitantly high play throughs and the ever expanding risk odds of these algorithms; regardless of how traditional the player is or whatever risk tolerance that’s been acquired. Don’t be stupid enough to believe these site’s insistence that they are “regulated”; to grease any politician costs maybe 100K, let alone some in jin Proudfoot on a tribal land.
Pony up the VIG, folks and stay exclusive to the respective Sportsbook’s. To venture into a virtual casino is an errand solely for the masochistically tolerant.
Good fortune shines no beacon here."
2 Replies
Hello everyone, I am new to the forum and I want to say that every year online casinos are becoming more and more popular, attracting players with their bonuses, a large number of casino reviewers are appearing, in my case it is CasinoCanada, I used it to avoid fraudulent casinos, so how many popular casinos turned out to be scams, and thanks to such reviewers, such situations can be avoided.
psuedo random generaters are not random that is proven. The fact all book makers block any winners is also proven. Like wise Betfare also "taxs" anyone who makes over 250,00 per year. And lastly hackers can rig any game of any site if they so wish; there is no know means of protecting an online site even google has to run constant hacks on itself to keep afloat (fuzzing). So I agree playing online is not safe and if they can deny serve they can obviously interfer with any part of their operation
pseudo random number generators are not truly random but random enough for most applications.
hackers can absolutely not rig any game of any site. Thats the most outrageous statement i have heard in a long while and it shows that you have no idea how the infrastructure in online gaming actually works.
I am always flabbergasted when people talk about this nonsensical ways that they think casinos cheat them when in reality the scam that a lot of unlicensed online casinos run is to simply not pay out when you are winning.