

Today, SpaceX just completed the 150m altitude hop of it's Starhopper! The Starhopper is a prototype of the Starship th

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28 August 2019 at 03:36 AM

111 Replies




Omgomgomg. Craziest thing I have ever seen

And we get on point starship softish landing followed by fireworks. Good **** today.

2 for 2 on mission objectives!!!

That reentry was tense!


that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!!!

Suck a D California

by housenuts k

Suck a D Kalifornia

^ This!

Elon Wins Again

Scott Manley on today's flight:

Elon Musk is a racist agent of Russia and a danger to the U.S., but that's ****ing impressive.

Lulz... and Santa Claus is real.

impressive catch

what is the impact of the CA commission decision? does that halt future launches this year in santa barbara?

5 years!

SpaceX has amazing clips of Flight 5 on Twitter/X!

A comprehensive collection of 4k super heavy videos... 2180p

November 18th is the target date for the next Starship launch!

Let's 'go for launch'...

This chart isn't deceptive at all... lololol


SpaceX is now targeting Tuesday at 4pm (CST) for Starship flight 6.

Human for scale. Tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4pm CST for the excitement!!!!

2pm PST!!!

30 minutes!!!

I see 85,000 people are currently tuned into NSF. whew.

T minus 13 minutes and counting...
