The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.
I'm taking the coronavirus seriously enough to take steps to prepare and am curious if I'm over-reacting or if I'm on Team Smart. Things I've done so far:
Stocking up on canned goods. In particular large cans of Chef Boyardee ravioli ( an old college favorite), baked beans, soups and canned vegetables. I will start buying water and toilet paper (it'll be worth a fortune in trade) this week. I think that I'm prepared for two weeks if the worst happens. The really worst is if it turns people into zombies but, otoh, what a hoot that would be.
I'm concerned that I don't have enough weaponry. I might be the only person in Arizona that doesn't own a gun. What I do have is 5 large kitchen knives and 2 regular claw hammers and 1 5 lb. sledge. Problem is is that these are close up weapons so I might actually get a shotgun if the news turns really bad.
I know that I am likely taking this too far but maybe not. Is anyone else prepping and, if so, how?
Oops too late, youngest came back from trip last Saturday and developed COVID on Tuesday, wife and oldest have it now. I was out of town this week but came back Friday, not looking forward to Tuesday.
I had it about a month ago visiting mom and stepdad. Their 1st time, luckily it's been proven I didn't bring it to the house. Stepdad has a laundry list of underlying like diabetes that had us concerned. Nothing but a bad cold and tired all around.
I’m about 24 hours into getting flu and COVID shots. This **** is kicking my ****ing ass.
Covid hit last Tuesday, felt crappy until Monday or so and lost my sense of smell and food sweet food was less sweet, which is odd.
Smell is mostly back but still a little muted and taste has fully returned.