NSFW: What is on this guy's leg?
I was watching a scene and saw something on a guy's leg. At first I thought it was scarring, but now I'm wondering if it is some sort of condition with his veins. Does anyone know?
9 Replies
varicose veins...and wtf is wrong with you that you would post this in a poker forum?
Now I know why it's called a 'box'
OP, Review of the site you subscribe to?
Asking for a friend.
I tried posting my question on Reddit, but alot of the sub reddit's don't allow photos.
As far as posting this on 2+2, is this a poker only website? Sounds like you are a sensitive little boy who is easily offended. Snowflake.
The scene is actually from pornhub and not littleasians.com. So more scenes would be available there.
Those are probably cysts. You can try sending it to Dr. Pimple Popper maybe you'll get lucky and she'll reply.
It could be Midi-Chlorians...
I tried posting my question on Reddit, but alot of the sub reddit's don't allow photos.
As far as posting this on 2+2, is this a poker only website? Sounds like you are a sensitive little boy who is easily offended. Snowflake.
lol yeah, that's me, an offended snowflake. 🙄
My response was not offense, it was incredulity, because I didn't think anyone would be as stupid as to post something so lame in a poker forum.
But I understand little boys get easily titillated by boring porn sites and you want to share your boner with others. Good for you!
lol yeah, that's me, an offended snowflake. 🙄
My response was not offense, it was incredulity, because I didn't think anyone would be as stupid as to post something so lame in a poker forum.
But I understand little boys get easily titillated by boring porn sites and you want to share your boner with others. Good for you!
Dom, you are soft and sensitive as hell old man. I'm not sure where you are getting the idea that posts on this forum need to be lmited to poker content. I had a question at the time, and I asked it. Never would I have expected such outrage from a soft and sensitive little baby!
I think it is a lady