Kidney stones are the nut low
Going through my first one right now. Was in the ER yesterday in excruciating pain. Morphine and a double dose of Dilauded did nothing.
This is seriously horrible pain and I don’t wish this on anyone. Can’t sit, can’t stand, can’t lay down, can’t sleep, can’t relax. Literally curled into a fetal position a couple times.
The hospital says it’s 4.2mm big which is right on the cusp of them needing to break it apart. They decided not to so I get to enjoy passing this au naturale.
This sucks.
I remember how me and Motley Crue gave my dad a kidney stone attack, it was a little after I got out of high school and had one of them "systems" installed in my truck..
Well Daddy o was riding with me and for some reason he asked to hear what it could do, so i proudly showed him.
A few minutes of "Dr. Feelgood" is evidently all it took, he was at home a couple hours later and the pain hit him.
Stayed up most of the night because of the pain, but it passed relatively easy compared to other attacks he had over the years.
So he thought it was kinda funny, which was a relief to me, in more ways than one.
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Going through my first one right now. Was in the ER yesterday in excruciating pain. Morphine and a double dose of Dilauded did nothing.
This is seriously horrible pain and I don’t wish this on anyone. Can’t sit, can’t stand, can’t lay down, can’t sleep, can’t relax. Literally curled into a fetal position a couple times.
The hospital says it’s 4.2mm big which is right on the cusp of them needing to break it apart. They decided not to so I get to enjoy passing this au naturale.
This sucks.
Is it gone yet? Did they not give you the option of going ahead and just blasting it? Did you try to get them to?
Is it gone yet? Did they not give you the option of going ahead and just blasting it? Did you try to get them to?
Not gone yet. Pain level from a 9/10 to about a 6/10, so that’s good. They didn’t give me the option to blast it and I think it’s because it was just the ER and not my PCP or urologist or anything like that. If I end up missing work the first half of this week, which is shaping up to happen, I’ll call my PCP and insist they do the blasting thing. Enough is enough.
How long does it take to pass? When it does, maybe a pic of your war face for the memories
How long does it take to pass? When it does, maybe a pic of your war face for the memories
By the end of day one, I was wondering the same thing. According to the interwebs, it could be up to a month. But I think that’s passed passed and completely out of your body. It seems once it gets to the bladder, it can clunk around in there for a bit but the pain part is pretty much over. In the bladder, it seems it’s mostly just discomfort and pressure to pee more. I can deal with that.
All that being said, I thought maybe it was in my bladder for the better part of yesterday. I had gone about six hours with no pain and thought I was finally in the clear until a brutal wave of pain hit last night before bed. Shoot, it’s 3:30 in the morning here right now while I type this and I’m standing in my bedroom waiting for the pain to go away still (standing and rocking/swaying seem to help a little and I’m hoping it helps to have gravity on my side pulling this stone down).
Damn sorry to hear. I hope it goes soon.
Just to while away the time while you're waiting (after all, you started this thread), are you having any bleeding? If so, a little, a lot, all the time, rarely, etc?
I mentioned above that my kid passed a stone last year, and the thing that freaked him out more than the pain was the bleeding. He probably could have saved a thou or two from the medical profession if he had just closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and rubbed some dirt on it for a week or two. At least he passed the stone before he made it to his urologist referral.
Coincidentally my PCP found a "trace" of blood in my urine in a routine lab test a few years ago and referred me to a urologist. Turned out that I was seen by a nurse practitioner in the urologist's office instead of the urologist. Really pissed me off! She did some tests, an interview, etc, and recommended a cystoscopy even though the urinalysis they ran had no trace of blood. Incidentally, she was a tall, very attractive blonde. I asked her who would be driving the cystoscope and she told me that the urologist would. And that's how she squandered what little chance she had of getting me to consent to the procedure. I've not been back, and I hope never to return!
A nurse told me that she had four kids and one kidney stone, she would rather have another kid than another stone
Just to while away the time while you're waiting (after all, you started this thread), are you having any bleeding? If so, a little, a lot, all the time, rarely, etc?
I mentioned above that my kid passed a stone last year, and the thing that freaked him out more than the pain was the bleeding. He probably could have saved a thou or two from the medical profession if he had just closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and rubbed some dirt on it for a week or two. At least he passed the stone befo
I’ve lucked out thus far and haven’t had any bleeding yet. I’ve heard of some people with excessive bleeding and even one guy who had a lot of pain but no bleeding until it got to his bladder. Then he started having chunks of blood and goo coming out. Turns out he had bladder cancer and had no idea until the stone got there.
That’s irritating to go see a specialist only to be seen by a nurse practitioner! Don’t get me wrong, nurse practitioners can serve a purpose for general issues but they certainly should not be allowed to serve in place of a specialist.
I’ve lucked out thus far and haven’t had any bleeding yet. I’ve heard of some people with excessive bleeding and even one guy who had a lot of pain but no bleeding until it got to his bladder. Then he started having chunks of blood and goo coming out. Turns out he had bladder cancer and had no idea until the stone got there.
That’s irritating to go see a specialist only to be seen by a nurse practitioner! Don’t get me wrong, nurse practitioners can serve a purpose for general issues but they cert
1) Good deal.
2) You are preaching to the choir. It happened to me again with a different specialty about a year later. My PCP has since moved to a different affiliation, so I hope that doesn't happen again. It turned out that the urology consult didn't annoy me too badly because I had decided before I went that they were going to have to do a hard sell to do anything at all invasive, so it was easy to tell them, "Don't call me. I'll call you."
The other consult was a very easy office visit to do a differential diagnosis and determine I had the least severe possibility. That NP gave me a low dose of a med that took care of practically all of my symptoms as well as starting to treat a diagnosis that my PCP had been dealing with ultra-conservatively. I figured that if anyone was being treated by a NP at their clinic that it probably should be me as my issues were so mild. Even my PCP shook her head when I told her that I had been seen by a NP.
If any of my issues that I was referred to either specialty for had been serious at all, I'm afraid that I would have showed my ass upon being told that I was seeing a NP.
you three tell a hazy nut story
cocoa cacao
must be delicious spread atop toast points
Not gone yet. Pain level from a 9/10 to about a 6/10, so that’s good. They didn’t give me the option to blast it and I think it’s because it was just the ER and not my PCP or urologist or anything like that. If I end up missing work the first half of this week, which is shaping up to happen, I’ll call my PCP and insist they do the blasting thing. Enough is enough.
Anything happening on this front?
Rocking and rolling yet?
Or still just rocking?
All kidding aside, this must be frustrating as hell.
Anything happening on this front?
Rocking and rolling yet?
Or still just rocking?
All kidding aside, this must be frustrating as hell.
Incredibly frustrating but I did have some blood today and what looks like stone fragments/slivers. I’ve also had minimal back/kidney pain so I think it has finally made it to my bladder. I hope, anyway.
Very sorry OP, although something about this thread being next to the fast food thread makes me laugh a little
Quick update - didn’t sleep at all last night. Not a single second. I was literally pacing around downstairs trying to get the pain to stop and my urge to pee has been non-stop with hardly anything coming out.
This is the most miserable I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve missed a week of work and looks like I’ll be missing more if something doesn’t drastically change.
Called my doctor and they recommend med I go back to the ER. Called the ER and they said they were very packed. I asked if they would try to treat me or just give me meds and it sounded like just meds so I’m not going.
I don’t know what to do.
Quick update - didn’t sleep at all last night. Not a single second. I was literally pacing around downstairs trying to get the pain to stop and my urge to pee has been non-stop with hardly anything coming out.
This is the most miserable I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve missed a week of work and looks like I’ll be missing more if something doesn’t drastically change.
Called my doctor and they recommend med I go back to the ER. Called the ER and they said they were very packed. I asked if they would
When my kid started peeing blood last year he went to the ER. They did an MRI (I think--may have been a CAT), prescribed him meds, and referred him to a urologist. Fortunately, he passed the stone prior to his appointment with urology. I wouldn't expect your ER to do much different. The ER he went to didn't want to deal with anything beyond diagnosis and short-term pain management.
Can you get an appt with a urologist or get a referral from your PCP if required? I don't know of much else to recommend.
What a pain in the ass. Good luck.
When my kid started peeing blood last year he went to the ER. They did an MRI (I think--may have been a CAT), prescribed him meds, and referred him to a urologist. Fortunately, he passed the stone prior to his appointment with urology. I wouldn't expect your ER to do much different. The ER he went to didn't want to deal with anything beyond diagnosis and short-term pain management.
Can you get an appt with a urologist or get a referral from your PCP if required? I don't know of much else to reco
This would be my second ER trip for this and I suspect you’re right that it would be temporary pain management and that’s it. I ended up not going to the ER again.
I have an HMO so I need my PCP to put in a referral for a specialist. My PCP is out this week. Then I have to wait for insurance to approve it then I need to find an opening ASAP with urology.
Im hoping and praying this thing passes as soon as possible. If not by Monday, I’ll be getting the PCP referral process started first thing in the morning. Of all the weeks for him to be out of town…
If it's as bad as you say I think I'd be calling urologists directly and trying to get something done asap, damn the insurance bureacracy.
With your HMO, can the ER make an expedited referral to a urologist to get the ball rolling (no pun intended)? If so, that might be worth the wait at the ER rather than toughing it out until Monday.
With your HMO, can the ER make an expedited referral to a urologist to get the ball rolling (no pun intended)? If so, that might be worth the wait at the ER rather than toughing it out until Monday.
I don’t know if ERs can make referrals to specialists. I sort of assumed they don’t but maybe I’m wrong.
Regardless, I’ve had a good day today. Only one wave of pain and it was moderate. Extremely fatigued now so been sleeping a lot. I’m hoping the worst is behind me but until I see that stone in my filter or the bowl, I’m going to be cautious.
I thought that being an HMO, they might be able to do something directly to a specialist. No HMO experience here.
Sounds like encouraging developments. Be cautious, but don't forget to enjoy yourself when you have a chance.
Probably depends on your plan, but many plans will allow urgent/ER docs to make referrals.