***Blocktober: stopping ChatGPT from naming the chat thread***
It's not the ChatGPT thread.
Why do you suppose people don't post here as much(if at all) anymore? This used to be such an eclectic, vibrant place filled with a wide range of smart people.
Why do you suppose people don't post here as much(if at all) anymore? This used to be such an eclectic, vibrant place filled with a wide range of smart people.
One: decline of poker. Two: decline of fora as a means of social media. Both mean fewer new folks and less drive to check the boards for the folks who have been around forever. It's still a fun place to hang out, imo, but I doubt it will ever be as vibrant as the glory days again.
Part of me feels like I'm now screaming into a void, which leaves me unmotivated to post content. I easily have 20 posts in my phone that will most likely languish there through sheer apathy.
You were always screaming into the void.
Thoughts posted should live by their own merit.
i'm also of the opinion we gave LKJ such quality random elevator encounter advice he no longer needs us anymore
Pretty sure bleeding my psychosis onto the forum did not help retain good posters.
OOT mostly.
There was the Politics schism where a bunch of people left the site entirely some years back.
That for sure made OOT take a hit.
Oh right, forgot about that. That defiantly explains some of it.
Of course, there was also the cool kids club that formed their own private chat group.
I don't know anything about this chat group.
Wait a minute......I know what this means.
I'm not in the chat group for some reason, that's what it means. Just have to figure out why.
'twas a recap of events from several years ago
only thing missing is nostalgia not experienced for the first time
save your fomo flag challenge for a better statistical opportunity
Took me too many years to realize what a banging lunch soup and salad can be.
i'm also of the opinion we gave LKJ such quality random elevator encounter advice he no longer needs us anymore
A few days ago, I'm headed toward the elevator from the side at the end of the work day, but the open door is closing. I think, "Ah that's fine, I'm not gonna be weird and run for it, I can just get the next one." Then a lady behind me goes, "Wait, wait, hold it open!" The woman outside our sightline responds to the distress call and sticks her hand out to save the door. But I'm still behind this weird yeller, and actually I still end up entering this saved elevator first.
I wanted very badly to explain to the original rider, "Look ma'am, I was going to be non-weird and just take the next one. I don't even know this other woman." But that rider got off first, so there was no way to communicate that. The woman who yelled to keep the door open got to the bottom floor at the same time that I did and just strolled out in a leisurely manner, so I'm pretty sure there was no emergency; she just REALLY wanted to not wait an extra 45 seconds or whatever. ****ing weirdo.