Your wildest confessions

Your wildest confessions

I was afraid to make a lot of money because of an innate fear of counting to large numbers, as that was an occasional punishment when I was younger.

I was also afraid to make a lot of money because I thought rich people were universally hated.

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29 December 2024 at 01:08 AM

84 Replies


Again, yes, obviously you were being 'tongue in cheek' rather than joking, and how you can be a high level chess player and probably neurotypical but not see at the time that I was being tongue in cheek back with you... I don't understand why your default assumption would be 'this guy has a problem with me!' when you've been tongue in cheek.

by wazz k

Again, yes, obviously you were being 'tongue in cheek' rather than joking, and how you can be a high level chess player and probably neurotypical but not see at the time that I was being tongue in cheek back with you... I don't understand why your default assumption would be 'this guy has a problem with me!' when you've been tongue in cheek.

Why are you making such a big deal out of every response to you? Relax.

by wazz k

Again, yes, obviously you were being 'tongue in cheek' rather than joking, and how you can be a high level chess player and probably neurotypical but not see at the time that I was being tongue in cheek back with you... I don't understand why your default assumption would be 'this guy has a problem with me!' when you've been tongue in cheek.


I did not think "this guy has a problem with me". I just had no idea "where you were coming from". I either thought you were making a light hearted joke, outright trolling, or meaning God knows what.

Fwiw, I'm done discussing this with you.

by Dr. Meh k

Why are you making such a big deal out of every response to you Relax.

Why are you readimg this as a big deal? I'm relaxed. You relax.

FYI - don't get McMuff pissed...

by Garick k

And his license is expired.

Organ donor though

by GusJohnsonGOAT k

Organ donor though

And I hear it's humongous!

by rickroll k

Eminem got in a lucky punch and ran off!

by All-inMcLovin k

I once played 1. d4 in a rated USCF game.

Kind of shameful, like doing soft core porn.

Not as bad as playing the London, which would be you on a couch with five dudes behind you.

so that's what it's called 😀

I just got high

I just lost my wedding ring...

by MSchu18 k

I just lost my wedding ring...

Ugh. :( At least it's not your wife losing her engagement ring.

by Punker k

Kind of shameful, like doing soft core porn.

Not as bad as playing the London, which would be you on a couch with five dudes behind you.

I call BS … London is the
New Kings-Indian ;-)

I just found my wedding ring at the bottom of an ice filled chest.
We're having to use ice chests for another week until a new refrigerator is delivered.

I hear it gets smaller in cold water...

There is DEFINITELY shrinkage...

I just spent $179.19 at the grocery store.

by Punker k

Kind of shameful, like doing soft core porn.

Not as bad as playing the London, which would be you on a couch with five dudes behind you.

1. d4 Nf6
2. c4 e6 (I played d4 because I expected my opponent to play the Budapest Gambit. As is typical, people rarely play into your preparation)
3. Nf3 (to avoid the Nimzo-Indian which I play as Black) b6
4. a3

I went onto win.

by All-inMcLovin k

I just spent $179.19 at the grocery store.

OMG, this reminds me of a reddit thread from yesterday!

bro u kno the rules, where is the cat and/or dog??

They were already consumed.

by All-inMcLovin k

I just spent $179.19 at the grocery store.

Thanks a lot Brandon!

by Tuma k

I just got high

I did crystal meth for around six months thirty years ago.

The head cook at the restaurant suddenly got a crazy plug (lesbians have the best drugs) and half the place started tweaking. I would start to fade after being awake for four days and nights, but only because I couldn't keep the damn grill orders straight. But everything in my apartment was so clean you could snort crystal meth off it. I believe it was during this time period that my electricity was briefly turned off.

Six months later, there was a report on the local news that a meth lab had blown up and sure enough, the plug dried up and the cook switched to coke. I switched back to being an alcoholic and never did meth again. Now I just take my ADHD medication and vape weed.

I spent the entire evening of my Senior Prom passed out in the back of a 'California Van' high on Barbiturates and dipped Thai Stick after having never set one foot inside of 'The Palladium' in Hollywood where the event was being held.
