NCAA 2025 March Madness Squares Pool

NCAA 2025 March Madness Squares Pool

$25 March Madness Squares Pool is back for the 3rd year! The last 2 years seemed to be a success, so i intend to build on that. The basics are: All 63 games starting with the round of 64 will be included. The final score for each game earns a winning square, with prize amounts shown below. Everyone must escrow! The square grid will have winning team across the top, losing team down the side, which is how winning squares for each game will be determined.

I don't have any crypto accounts, so escrow would need to be via paypal, venmo, or cashapp. I can also do zelle if needed.

Payouts would be as follows:

Round of 64: $25 per game
2nd round: $25 per game
3rd round: $50 per game
Elite 8: $75 per game
Final 4: $150 per game
Championship: $300

63 chances to win!

Once all 100 squares are paid for, the board will be randomized with names first, and then numbers. I will randomize names, then send them to a neutral party for verification. Then I would have someone here with no knowledge of the names list randomize 2 sets of numbers. One would be for the winner's side, one for the loser's side. As stated above, each game would be paid based on the final score.

So if the final score of a game is 75 - 70, the square that wins would be winning side 5, losing side 0.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. I won't be able to reply back to the thread until tomorrow due to going out of town for the day, but wanted to get it rolling. I will be posting Sweet 16 pools tomorrow afternoon, hoping to get interest in those as well.

Squares list:

Cokeboy99: 5 squares

Notes - Payouts will be the night of the Championship game. I'll post in here after each game with the winning square info. Payouts will all be done after the championship game so as to avoid multiple payouts to the same person. Again, escrow is required and can be done via paypal, cashapp, venmo, or zelle.

When sending escrow payments, make sure you're not using a "pay for goods or services" option that'll charge fees, and DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN THE NOTES EXCEPT YOUR 2+2 USERNAME!!!

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) 3 Views 3
17 February 2025 at 07:59 PM

110 Replies


by Steve350 k

Sent $50 via PayPal.

Received, thanks and good luck!

I'll take 1.

Cokeboy99: 8 squares
golddog: 1 square
WotPeed: 2 squares
Tom Ames: 5 squares
Steve350: 2 squares
C Bids: 7 squares
GusJohnsonGOAT: 4 squares
AquaSwing: 4 squares
REDeYeS00: 16 squares
CowboyCold: 5 squares
pokeraz: 5 squares
knivesout: 4 squares
redbuck: 4 squares
Mojo56: 2 squares
jh12547: 1 square
MojoAG: 4 squares
AzOther1: 4 squares
Purple_Sky: 2 squares
rickroll: 4 squares
rickdad: 1 square
txdome: 1 square

14 remaining

Cokeboy99: 8 squares
golddog: 1 square
WotPeed: 2 squares
Tom Ames: 5 squares
Steve350: 2 squares
C Bids: 7 squares
GusJohnsonGOAT: 4 squares
AquaSwing: 4 squares
REDeYeS00: 16 squares
CowboyCold: 5 squares
pokeraz: 5 squares
knivesout: 4 squares
redbuck: 4 squares
Mojo56: 2 squares
jh12547: 1 square
MojoAG: 4 squares
AzOther1: 4 squares
Purple_Sky: 2 squares
rickroll: 4 squares
rickdad: 1 square
txdome: 1 square
ec_outlaw: 4 squares via pm

10 remaining

Cokeboy99: 8 squares
golddog: 1 square
WotPeed: 2 squares
Tom Ames: 5 squares
Steve350: 2 squares
C Bids: 7 squares
GusJohnsonGOAT: 4 squares
AquaSwing: 4 squares
REDeYeS00: 16 squares
CowboyCold: 5 squares
pokeraz: 5 squares
knivesout: 4 squares
redbuck: 4 squares
Mojo56: 2 squares
jh12547: 1 square
MojoAG: 4 squares
AzOther1: 4 squares
Purple_Sky: 2 squares
rickroll: 4 squares
rickdad: 1 square
txdome: 1 square
ec_outlaw: 4 squares via pm
mattew88: 5 squares via pm
POGcrazy94: 1 square for syndicate betting group
Cokeboy99 friend: 4 squares


Now that all squares are claimed, please send escrow if you haven't already. I would like all escrow by Sunday,March 16th. Anything not sent by then will be released and I have additional friends to cover as needed.

Once all escrows are received, I will start with the numbering process.

As in previous years, I will randomize the name list 5 times, send it to a volunteer to hold, and fill out the board. After that, I'll need 2 sets of numbers 0-9, 1 for each axis.

The first number set will go across the top, for the winning team score. The 2nd list will be the left axis, for the losing team score.

Update - waiting on escrow from 1 person. Once that is completed the randomizing can begin!

Still need a volunteer to receive the names list once I've randomized it, however. Anyone??


by Tom Ames k


Thank you!

Anyone here crazy enough to run a OTT/4 bracket pool? I don't see anything in SE. Something low stakes like $10 or $20 so everyone can enter multiple brackets.

If escrow bails I’ll take spot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

by dfb89 k

If escrow bails I’ll take spot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sounds good. I'll let you know tomorrow night. 4 squares could be available, let me know how many you'd want and what method to escrow.

also willing to pick up any escrow slack
all in the name of cokeboy

by dfb89 k

If escrow bails I’ll take spot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Pm sent. Have until noon tomorrow to send escrow or i will move to the next person in order to get this covered and set asap.

by REDeYeS00 k

also willing to pick up any escrow slack
all in the name of cokeboy

Appreciate that. I'll let you know by noon tomorrow if any remain. Thank you!

by REDeYeS00 k

also willing to pick up any escrow slack
all in the name of cokeboy

I have not heard from the above commenter as of yet. Have an additional friend who covered the remaining 4, so no need for you to cover any additional. Thanks for the offer, however!

Cokeboy99: 8 squares
golddog: 1 square
WotPeed: 2 squares
Tom Ames: 5 squares
Steve350: 2 squares
C Bids: 7 squares
Cokeboy99 friend 2: 4 squares
AquaSwing: 4 squares
REDeYeS00: 16 squares
CowboyCold: 5 squares
pokeraz: 5 squares
knivesout: 4 squares
redbuck: 4 squares
Mojo56: 2 squares
jh12547: 1 square
MojoAG: 4 squares
AzOther1: 4 squares
Purple_Sky: 2 squares
rickroll: 4 squares
rickdad: 1 square
txdome: 1 square
ec_outlaw: 4 squares via pm
mattew88: 5 squares via pm
POGcrazy94: 1 square for syndicate betting group
Cokeboy99 friend: 4 squares


Escrow is all accounted for. I will randomize the names list shortly and send it to Tom Ames, who graciously offered to hold that list. The board will be completed with the first 10 names in column 1, top to bottom, next 10 in column 2, and so on.

Once the grid is completed, I will ask for 2 number lists to be randomized, 0-9. First set will go across the top for the winning team score, next set down the left axis for the losing team score. I'll post the completed board here, post final scores live in real time with winners, and pay everyone out after the championship game is finished!

List of names has been randomized and sent to Tom Ames.

I need 2 lists of 0-9 randomized, by anyone other than Tom.

The first 2 lists will be used. First across the top, second down the left axis.

Thank you!

Here is your sequence:

Timestamp: 2025-03-17 14:04:35 UTC

List of names received.

1 more number list needed, from anyone but Tom please.

Here is your sequence:

Timestamp: 2025-03-17 14:38:14 UTC

PS mark should be working

by golddog k

Here is your sequence:

Timestamp: 2025-03-17 14:38:14 UTC

PS mark should be working

Can you redo without a 10? There are too many numbers listed. Lol

****, sorry about that. A lot on my mind right now.

Here is your sequence:

Timestamp: 2025-03-17 14:48:28 UTC
