What are some of your fears?
I'm afraid that after enough days awake I will asphyxiate.
I'm afraid that I will wake up one day and my talents will be gone.
You ever watch those videos of people free climbing buildings and looking over the edge, or walking along a cliff or whatever that give you sweaty palms? I have a horrible fear of that kind of thing, like to the point that (despite not believing in anything supernatural) I sometimes wonder if this is some sort of future premonition that I'm going to die by falling from some great height.
that I might not be able to find a loan shark when I really need one.
that I might find a loan shark when I really want one.
10 points a week...
Death is pretty much it.
Even if the soul is recycled or goes to heaven or whatever, I don’t think the me I recognize as my actual self will persist in any way. That’s a bummer.
I don't fear death. I do fear the loss of abilities and the pain that usually come before death. I can only hope that I die unexpectedly and quickly.
I have nasal/sinus issues and can't breathe thru my nose half the time.
I fear being kidnapped and having my mouth gagged and then suffocating because I can't breathe.
I have nasal/sinus issues and can't breathe thru my nose half the time.
I fear being kidnapped and having my mouth gagged and then suffocating because I can't breathe.
I hope it relieves you to find out that even people with your condition (I am similar) can breathe through their nose if they have to. I have tried taping my mouth shut at night because it gets so dry, and I could still breathe.
One brand is even called Hostage Tape!
no, my ENT says inside my nose (I have a large Italian shnoz) is kinda crooked and "fleshy," and they can cut it out...so I'll do that at some point. They also said my sinus need work and they want to (no, really) put balloons in them and blow them up so it makes more room in the cavities. No thanks.
I'm addicted to nasal spray. I can't sleep at night if I can't breathe thru my nose, so there you go.