Netflix "Watch Instantly"

Netflix "Watch Instantly"

I just recently rejoined Netflix and was pleased to see they have added a "Watch Instantly" feature where you can stream a movie over the internet. The selection of movies/shows is subpar, but it's free baby! Well, free as in no extra charge. You can watch 1 hour for every dollar/month your subscription is and it doesn't affect your queued/shipped movies at all. Minuses are that you have to be running Windows and Internet Explorer, but the quality is great! I have a garbage laptop, but it looks the same as a DVD to me and it hasn't skipped/paused/hiccuped once so far.

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03 September 2007 at 07:40 PM

1218 Replies


The Truth Vs. Alex Jones (Max)

I knew very little about Alex Jones and had basically forgotten what I knew about the Sandy Hook shootings.

Jesus Christ. What a scumbag. Yeah I somewhat recall him saying Sandy Hook was a hoax but that was it. To see and hear the theories he came up with, like the parents were actual actors, OMG. And he was theorizing it was a hoax like 2 hours after the massacre.

And those poor parents.

by natediggity k

The Truth Vs. Alex Jones (Max)

I knew very little about Alex Jones and had basically forgotten what I knew about the Sandy Hook shootings.

Jesus Christ. What a scumbag. Yeah I somewhat recall him saying Sandy Hook was a hoax but that was it. To see and hear the theories he came up with, like the parents were actual actors, OMG. And he was theorizing it was a hoax like 2 hours after the massacre.

And those poor parents.


You will enjoy this.

by Rococo k


You will enjoy this.

thanks, i'll watch later, assuming i survive the eclipse

Rococo I watched your vid. Again, I'm not familiar with Alex Jones' work. Are those things he actually believes? What a creep.

by natediggity k

Rococo I watched your vid. Again, I'm not familiar with Alex Jones' work. Are those things he actually believes? What a creep.

He definitely said those things. Did he believe them? Was he deliberately disseminating misinformation? Was he being deliberately over the top in an attempt to be get eyeballs?

Depending on the topic, I'm guessing it was some of Column A, some of Column B, and some of Column C.

More Colin Farrell action, can't wait for this.

Fallout is coming a little early, Wednesday 6pm PST with all 8 episodes on Prime.

Sugar is freaking great! I only knew of Colin, which is plenty but it’s a damn good cast overall. I love the way they mix in old film footage.

by DC11GTR k

Sugar is freaking great! I only knew of Colin, which is plenty but it’s a damn good cast overall. I love the way they mix in old film footage.

Like, in a Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid kinda way? I loved that movie. Might be due a re-watch this weekend.

Uh…. Not sure about DMDWP, but Colin’s character is a huge film buff and instead of just quoting a shot or sequence from an older film, the original b&w footage is spliced in.

Just finished American Rust Season 2: Broken Justice.

It was good, much better than season 1, IMDB solid 8's on all episodes but 1 with 7.9 and the best are the last 2, I concur.

by parisron k

3 episodes in and I love it so far. Quirky and different. Great soundtrack.

"okie dokie"

by mrbaseball k

3 episodes in and I love it so far. Quirky and different. Great soundtrack.

"okie dokie"

are you familiar with the video games?

by rickroll k

are you familiar with the video games?

I played one of them many years ago but to be honest don't remember much about it.

by mrbaseball k

I played one of them many years ago but to be honest don't remember much about it.

thanks, the games are insanely popular and have a cultish following so i think for stuff like this it's important to know that background

I've only played fallout new vegas, was over a decade ago, but the plot and characters of that video game stay with me to this day - no video game has ever had that kind of tangible grip on my memory so i know this will have to be really, really bad for me to not watch it all

ie i couldn't tell you a single thing about the halo universe but because i hung out with some kids who played it a lot my sophomore year of college i ended up watching both seasons of that show and didn't think anything of it

I've played the first 2 a handful of times each, prior to getting a PS4 back in 2014, and loved them. Didn't touch another until Fallout 4 was released as PSPlus game for free and tried it out. It had its issues but the RPG elements and the Third-Person perspective = perfect grinding game for me. It's a style I don't touch story missions until I have no choice. I did the same with RD2 and all of the GTAs that I played.

I'm looking very forward to watching it. I don't want to start it until I can keep going uninterrupted but after next week, I'm diving in head first.

Is there an actual movie thread? I am not sure if I am a sucker for the genre but I thought Civil War was really good. I liked how they didn't actually explain the political back stories just a great view using the eyes of journalists in a true SHTF America.

Pretty much any political view can like it from look what happens if we elect Trump again to right wing preppers wet dream

by rickroll k

I've only played fallout new vegas, was over a decade ago, but the plot and characters of that video game stay with me to this day

New Vegas is generally recognized as the best game in the series. Wonderful experience overall.

I loved F3 and F4, and for some reason never played NV. It's been on my PC for years modded so it somehow adds F3 to it.

Thinking the show might get me incentivised to get round to finally playing it.

what i really enjoyed about vegas was that you could go do whatever and head in any direction you pleased, but if you went in the wrong direction too early you'd get hit with enough individual monsters one by one for you to realize perhaps i need to level up before heading this way and then you turn back and heal and try another direction and then you wind up doing the lower level stuff they were hoping you'd do

like at the starting point, all directions except for one are extremely hazardous for a level one character but there's no "hey go in this direction to start the game" the game lets you find out on your own you went the wrong way

i often think about playing it again just to see what i missed the first time around, there were definitely parts of the map that i never explored

my real gripe with the game is that you can pause combat and turn it from real time into turn based - not doing this makes the game incredibly difficult and there's cool cinematics when you do it so you just get in the habit of defaulting to that kind of combat

the problem is that it essentially puts a freeze on the game and AI controlled characters do not react one a 1:1ish turn ratio - you can literally enter a room with 6 enemies, hit that pause thing, shoot one and kill it, shoot the next, etc etc and then you've taken out all 6 enemies with 6 precision head shots and not a single one of them got a single round off back in your direction - and it's not like you snuck up on them, they were waiting in ambush for you

i don't quite recall but I'm pretty sure that i built up my character around that as in the beginning of the game it started as a neat trick i could employ once or twice in combat to pause, analyze the situation and take a precision shot at someone before resuming the hectic first person shooter thing so i leveled up that skill that kind of forced me to play out every combat situation like that because my character became so specialized in that aspect of game play through the levelups i'd chosen but eventually it became so powerful that i could run through the entire combat via the pause menu and then it lost all challenge but if i tried fighting without pausing i died immediately because my character sucked at everything else- so i thought i ruined it by making the game too easy by taking that path

but then i watched some other friends play and people playing online and it's more of the same, but in a different path, instead of pausing and taking out with headshots, they just run in there absorbing all the shots no problem and then bashing them with a club or turn the corner and just fill the room with plasma and everyone's dead - so it seemed like no what direction you developed your character, the game soon lost all combat challenges and was then more about exploration, fulfilling missions and driving the storyline

by far the best gameplay was early one when it was a real struggle to survive and i had to turn and run quite often ie i remember at the beginning i went in the "wrong direction" and came across a few geckos that my 22 took out and then a few flying things that did some damage but i was able to take out and then i come across a baby deathclaw, i shoot it like 10 times in the headband just haven't done any damage at all, it's running towards me, and now i see another half dozen deathclaws are also heading this way as well - i don't know what they are, but i can't hurt them and they are called deathclaws after all so i turn and run

Season 2 May 16th. Season 1 was great, can't wait.

Baby Reindeer is a hell of a ride. It’s quite good and kinda depressing at times but it’s very well done. I saw a tweet from Doug Stanhope who said it was amazing, and he’s right. I never saw a trailer or anything. I just jumped right in. I did not expect a lot of what happened. Very well worth checking out.

Cool, not heard of it. Knowing, and loving, Stanhope, a rec from him could really go anywhere!

Oh, Snap! You guys remember the first one from like 5 years ago?
