Netflix "Watch Instantly"
I just recently rejoined Netflix and was pleased to see they have added a "Watch Instantly" feature where you can stream a movie over the internet. The selection of movies/shows is subpar, but it's free baby! Well, free as in no extra charge. You can watch 1 hour for every dollar/month your subscription is and it doesn't affect your queued/shipped movies at all. Minuses are that you have to be running Windows and Internet Explorer, but the quality is great! I have a garbage laptop, but it looks the same as a DVD to me and it hasn't skipped/paused/hiccuped once so far.
The Agency sounds great. Hopefully not just a remake of The Bureau, as that's a GOAT status series.
Disappointed Carry On isn't a continuation of the Carry On movies' raunchy comedy franchise.
Prolly late to the party, but The Diplomat and Dark Winds are my latest binges*, and both are great. Well worth the time investment.
For network programming, I also like Tracker, but I also consume police procedurals, FBIs, Forensic Files/New Detectives, true crime ****, etc like water, so take it with a grain of salt. It is something a little different, at least.
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the Paramount+ GUI? Can't get NCIS:Origins to work (two years ago, it was FBI)
[* - one episode/night]
I just think Justin Hartley is the ultimate d-bag, at least the characters he plays. I watch a lot of police procedurals also, and like I said before have watched most of Tracker, but it's very cringe to me.
I just looked up Justin Hartley's CV and I don't see anything I've watched to have a previous opinion on the man.
I never watched Smallville but a lot of This is Us.
Prolly late to the party, but The Diplomat and Dark Winds are my latest binges*, and both are great. Well worth the time investment.
For network programming, I also like Tracker, but I also consume police procedurals, FBIs, Forensic Files/New Detectives, true crime ****, etc like water, so take it with a grain of salt. It is something a little different, at least.
Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the Paramount+ GUI? Can't get NCIS:Origins to work (two years ago, it was FBI)
[* - one episod
I haven't tried to watch Origins on P+ on my TV as I watch it with my YT TV subscription, but I was able to pull it on on my computer with P+.
In the past I have had issues with the P+ app on TV with some shows. The main thing that helped is when that happens is when it gives you trouble, pull up the app on the tv and clear the cache and then force stop and then start the app fresh. Then it works every time.
The movie "My Old Ass" on prime, with Aubrey Plaza is surprisingly good and deep for a 1 hour 28-minute movie.
i really liked Plaza in "Emily the Criminal"
The amazon prime Black Friday deals are going on now.
$2 to $3 per month for 2 months for P+, Starz, MGM+, AMC+, and Brit box
Also, was a good episode of Landman, Billy Bob had a long rant on wind turbines and fossil fuels that got everyone on twitter in a twist. lol
I don't know much about that stuff, so don't know how true any of it was, but it's always fun hearing him rant.
Based On A True Story is quite a fun watch. It's not nearly as funny as it should be but the two leads are great together.
And Cross was kind of awful. It got really wild in the back half, then weird, then really freaking stupid.
I stopped Cross halfway through the first episode when
Cross meets the blonde dude is so obviously going to be the serial killer or whatever. Yawn.
WTF, spoilers. I haven't got around to watching this yet.
They make it clearly known by Ep 2 or early Ep3. I stopped watching early into Ep 3 for similar + other reasons.
The serial killer case was weird but… fine… I guess lol It was the other case that went off the rails. Both were stupid though.
I stopped watching Cross after 10 seconds into first episode.
It is the 21st century and they are still making shows that if the main character is black have to revolve around blacks speaking broken English and racial epitaphs. I'll stick to something like the movie Tenet.