Netflix "Watch Instantly"
I just recently rejoined Netflix and was pleased to see they have added a "Watch Instantly" feature where you can stream a movie over the internet. The selection of movies/shows is subpar, but it's free baby! Well, free as in no extra charge. You can watch 1 hour for every dollar/month your subscription is and it doesn't affect your queued/shipped movies at all. Minuses are that you have to be running Windows and Internet Explorer, but the quality is great! I have a garbage laptop, but it looks the same as a DVD to me and it hasn't skipped/paused/hiccuped once so far.
I don't know why you guys are getting all excited about Wayne season 2, there is no sign it has been renewed and if somehow it was it wouldn't air until next year. But we can always hope.
what the heck is Wayne?
A lovely little one season show about a poor, down and out kid whose father dies and the car he was supposed to get was “gifted” to someone else and he wants it back. Then goes apeshit and doesn’t let up. It reminded me of the first season of “End of the F*ck*ing World” in a way but really leans into the absurdity and is almost like a comic book without a superhero or fantasy element. It’s hilarious and often quite heartwarming
cool thx
Wayne is free to watch on YouTube now, it is no longer free on Prime. I believe it was one of the last YouTube originals. 8.4 on IMDb. Just a gem of a show. If you haven’t watched it, you need to.
All new characters could air end of 2024 or early 2025.
All 8 episodes are out now of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, with ads now unless you pay the extra couple dollars a month.
I think ads are just at the beginning of new episodes.
I just saw they will start filming in late march in Vancouver. Kind of weird, I wonder why? Original was filmed in Toronto though.
Some regulars might show up as the season goes on.
I guess one of the main reasons is tax incentives making it much cheaper than LA.
Finished Obliterated and I still think it’s one of the shittier things I’ve seen in awhile. But it seemed to realize it early on. I honestly don’t think they knew it until about midway through ep2 or 3. The main reason I stuck around before that was because the lead woman is my favorite kind of hot from an actress. Where her performance is about the character not about now not she is, which makes her hotter than she would be otherwise, which is still insanely hot!! Tech chick is pretty cute too lol
Finished Obliterated and I still think it’s one of the shittier things I’ve seen in awhile. But it seemed to realize it early on. I honestly don’t think they knew it until about midway through ep2 or 3. The main reason I stuck around before that was because the lead woman is my favorite kind of hot from an actress. Where her performance is about the character not about now not she is, which makes her hotter than she would be otherwise, which is still insanely hot!! Tech chick is pretty cute too
Drunk, nude A-Team in Las Vegas. Clearly a comedic spoof.
All 8 episodes are out now of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, with ads now unless you pay the extra couple dollars a month.
I think ads are just at the beginning of new episodes.
Only watched episode 1 so far but I’d have kept going and going if I wasn’t busy. Will definitely finish this weekend. Really like it a lot.
Watched 4 episodes so far, I liked it, a little slow sometimes, has some good guest stars, episode 4 has Pablo Escobar and Parker Posey.
This show is packed with great guest stars. And I like how they differed from the movie as well.
I am not minding the ads since it's only at the beginning of episodes and usually only 15 to 30 seconds. Others that do ads are a couple minutes and in the middle, etc.
I am not minding the ads since it's only at the beginning of episodes and usually only 15 to 30 seconds. Others that do ads are a couple minutes and in the middle, etc.
It sounds like they do it similarly to Max and P+, which I don't mind.
I already have Prime and an Amazon Prime Rewards card from Chase that gives me 5% or more off so I don't care about another $3/mo. The Prime membership pays for itself in terms of free shipping with monthly household purchases minus my discounts.
I also pay annually for YT premium for the ad-free experience, but 80% of what I watch is on YT I would guess.
I am liking the show, I don't get all the negative reviews. There are some things that happen that don't make sense though.
Ep 1 Spoiler
The first episode if there was a bomb in the cake, what was the original owner lady going to do with the bomb? Something totally unrelated and the company just wanted to steal it and use it for their own purpose? I know I must be missing something right? lol
Episode 6 Spoiler
End of episode 6, they find out therapy is being recorded from many cameras, on the way out they set a fire. Ok, obviously those type recordings are going to be backed up into the cloud, so the fire would do nothing, also more cameras likely in the front would have seen them set the fire. lol
I am liking the show, I don't get all the negative reviews. There are some things that happen that don't make sense though.
Ep 1 Spoiler
The first episode if there was a bomb in the cake, what was the original owner lady going to do with the bomb? Something totally unrelated and the company just wanted to steal it and use it for their own purpose? I know I must be missing something right? lol
Initially I thought that the old lady might’ve been intending to deliver it herself. Her action after she realized she had the wrong box was…. Not that. At that point, I thought that maybe she was in on it as a test and maybe she’d be shown as one of the trainers or something. I really don’t know lol
Ok, cool. 1 episode to go, will finish it tomorrow.
I paid the two dollars to Prime, started Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and immediately a commercial started. **** that. I turned it off.