Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.

Feel free to add your own. I'll give two really quick.

1. This girl I'm friends with on facebook makes a post about how she is now pregnant. (She's 19 btw) obviously every random girl she is friends with on facebook felt the need to congratulate her on such an amazing accompolishment. That was midly annoying to sift through, but I understand it's a big deal and all...I just have a cold heart as of late lol.

Anyways about 2hrs later she makes a new post about being pregnant because the first wasn't enough. Awesome. Like 15 mins ago she makes ANOTHER post about it saying "Can't sleep, tummy hurts, hello prego life 😀😀"

It took every ounce of my energy not to type something extremely rude like, "we ****ing get it, your pregnant."

2. Me and my friend drive 30 mins to play beerpong with these chics we met randomly one night. 2 are definitely good looking....ones a chubbba wubba though. Ok lookin face but yeah....Anyways were all playing BP along with 2 other dudes that we didnt know would be there..( I guess I understand them wanting to have 2 of their guy friends there since we've never formally hungout, but whatever...) my friend randomly makes comments the whole time whenever the chubba wubba talks to me such as "that's all you" or "wheres your girl at" when she leaves the room.

Any clue why he feels the need to say things like that? He's always been considering kind of the **** blocking type amongst our ground of friends even if it's never negatively effected me. J/W if someone can get all psychological on me and tell me why he always does that.

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05 October 2009 at 05:44 AM

1194 Replies


Top Ten plays of the day on Sportscenter from sports I have never seen a minute of live, like lacrosse

That Rizzoli and Isles never ****ed.

by johnzimbo k

Top Ten plays of the day on Sportscenter from sports I have never seen a minute of live, like lacrosse

illustrated sport faces in the crowd
well, and anyone else who lacks your normal knowledge of new stick and rock painting posts on a saturday evening

by whatthejish k

That Rizzoli and Isles never ****ed.

that i now know one person who has seen that show 😀

by rickroll k

that i now know one person who has seen that show 😀

Lol, it’s the worst. That’s a big part of why it shouldn’t piss me off.

I had to do a lot of monitoring at work today, and one of our networks was playing a marathon of the show.

lol wasn't mean as a personal dig, just remember it being constantly promoted and I was always wondering "who are they trying to appeal to with this show?"

Hahaha, exactly.

That I couldn't possibly care any less about the eclipse. I wish I was at least 10% as excited as a lot of people seem to be for it.

To be fair, unless you get to see it at 100%, the effect is just "oh hey it's kinda a little bit dark-ish out during the day, and if I look up with special glasses I can see that the sun's a crescent". I keep going outside to check it out as it gets closer to max by me, but it's not something to go apeshit over.

We had a 90% eclipse this year and I thought it was pretty cool. Even took a couple decent pictures.

Obviously not as spectacular as 2017 when we were in the center of the path.

I was present for a full solar eclipse in the UK in 99.

Went probably 80% dark for several minutes at about 10am. Can’t say it was a glorious experience but I can now say that I’ve seen one I guess, for whatever that’s worth. And I got drunk at a camp site for a week before and after so that was cool

by feel wrath k

I was present for a full solar eclipse in the UK in 99.

I was in Germany for that one, in the path of totality. Still remember the city was full of visitors from other parts of the country and they had all kinds of concerts/events in the days leading up to the eclipse. Was pretty cool to watch it with >10k people.

by madlex k

I was in Germany for that one, in the path of totality. Still remember the city was full of visitors from other parts of the country and they had all kinds of concerts/events in the days leading up to the eclipse. Was pretty cool to watch it with >10k people.

yep, in the UK the full eclipse was only in Cornwall which is at the most south westerly tip of the UK. All the campsites were booked a year in advance and it was great fun. 8 hour drive back to London though, for a trip that should take 3 hours

commas used as decimal points

by marknfw k

commas used as decimal points

Adding on to this - the European way of doing dates. My wife works for an international organization. She uses the European way most of the time. But only most of the time. So if she writes 5/8/24 I have no idea if she means next month or next summer. Why can't everyone just be like USA#1?

by marknfw k

commas used as decimal points

Definitely *shouldn't* piss you off because comma is obviously the correct decimal separator.

by Didace k

Adding on to this - the European way of doing dates.

Doing month/day/year instead of day/month/year or year/month/day is among the few things that are even more stupid than using the imperial system.

Until recently I didn't even know that the "ton" in truck payload capacity was actually 2000lb and not 1000kg.


That my stupid American keyboard can't make an umlaut.


The Umlaut is a stupid, boring, pretentious, sycophantic symbol, of genuine idiocy and all people using it should be hacked up for fish food. And their families sold to sex slave dealers in China.

by madlex k


This is America, speak English!

That I can't put a green on ignore

by AzOther1 k

That my stupid American keyboard can't make an umlaut.

Especially when discussing 70s metal bands, or documentaries.

by ec_outlaw k

That I can't put a green on ignore

Sorry, I'll try to post less.
