Things that shouldn't piss you off, but do.
Feel free to add your own. I'll give two really quick.
1. This girl I'm friends with on facebook makes a post about how she is now pregnant. (She's 19 btw) obviously every random girl she is friends with on facebook felt the need to congratulate her on such an amazing accompolishment. That was midly annoying to sift through, but I understand it's a big deal and all...I just have a cold heart as of late lol.
Anyways about 2hrs later she makes a new post about being pregnant because the first wasn't enough. Awesome. Like 15 mins ago she makes ANOTHER post about it saying "Can't sleep, tummy hurts, hello prego life 😀😀"
It took every ounce of my energy not to type something extremely rude like, "we ****ing get it, your pregnant."
2. Me and my friend drive 30 mins to play beerpong with these chics we met randomly one night. 2 are definitely good looking....ones a chubbba wubba though. Ok lookin face but yeah....Anyways were all playing BP along with 2 other dudes that we didnt know would be there..( I guess I understand them wanting to have 2 of their guy friends there since we've never formally hungout, but whatever...) my friend randomly makes comments the whole time whenever the chubba wubba talks to me such as "that's all you" or "wheres your girl at" when she leaves the room.
Any clue why he feels the need to say things like that? He's always been considering kind of the **** blocking type amongst our ground of friends even if it's never negatively effected me. J/W if someone can get all psychological on me and tell me why he always does that.
why would you feel bad about breaking up bunches of bananas? I've bought bananas pretty much every week of my adult life and never taken a full bunch. why would anyone notice or care when the bunches are all odd numbered anyways?
I never feel bad doing this.
There is no banana bunches police.
lint traps
Experian's constant attempts to sell me upgrades on the website. It's really annoying; just show me the alert you emailed me about.
When sites using two-factor authentication (SMS a code to phone), give away part of what they're sending. i.e., "enter the six-digit code you received here."
No, don't give potential hackers any clue as to the content you're sending.
No idea why this bothers me so much; only one site I use, uses something other than a six-digit code.
My vision insurance sends a 10 digit code which is so completely out of pocket and annoying.
Heh. I've noticed it collecting more frequently as I age. Not sure what to make of that.
Songs that repeat each line twice. Worst case I can think of is The Cisco Kid by War.
"Cisco Kid was a friend of mine"
"Cisco Kid was a friend of mine"
Heard ya the fist time dude
Hot pizza when you’re really hungry.
Now not hot enough to burn your mouth, but hot enough to be a bit annoying and make you swallow quickly — so you don’t experience the full taste of your bite.
But it’s still really good anyway.
Pizza's without good Anchovies...
Getting older and fatter = deeper navel maybe? Or could just be the types of clothes you're wearing these days are more conducive to it.
Here's a question, when I do pick lint out of my belly button why does it always seem to be blue? I don't even wear that much blue.
People using apostrophes for no reason.
Getting older and fatter = deeper navel maybe? Or could just be the types of clothes you're wearing these days are more conducive to it.
Here's a question, when I do pick lint out of my belly button why does it always seem to be blue? I don't even wear that much blue.
Don't think that's the case, I'm still pretty thin. I always attributed the blueness to the fact that I only wear jeans (at least during cold weather).
TheBayAreaBeast being banned from 2p2.
I was going to say for me, the thread going away.
Don't think that's the case, I'm still pretty thin. I always attributed the blueness to the fact that I only wear jeans (at least during cold weather).
You may be wearing those jeans a bit high--even for us old folks 😉
Are you two talking about the same threads?
it definitely should not piss me off that the thread is gone, but it does
it definitely should piss me off that I spent 3 minutes looking for it like an idiot
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