Online dating thread
I started this as a thread where 2+2 members could share advice on online dating. I'm 25 years old, and have had trouble finding a GF in person, so I've decided to try the online route.
I admittedly have no game when it comes to girls, as I'm a natural shy person, so I'll mostly be on the receiving end of the knowledge. As I improve, I'll share the wealth. :-)
From poker I've learned how helpful it is to have an advisor to give you advice and encouragement, and sympathize with you when you fail.
For starters, what are the best sites out there for free, and what sites are worth laying the money down for a subscription ? I'm on POF and OKcupid.
I'm a carrier but have never had an outbreak on the genitals. Very rarely get cold sores, but have occasional flair up in my fingers that is annoying for a few days. (Maybe I contracted from fingering??)
I've never given anyone herpes that I am aware of and have been having unprotected sex with my current gf for 4 years now
I was pretty big man whore for a while so never was surprised. No clue who I got it from or even around when.
Its something that has minimal impact on my life
ie anyone who get cold sores in their mouth has herpes but they call it a cold sore and not herpes for obvious reasons
In some foreign languages (Spanish and Slovak that I know of) they also call cold sores "herpes", which leads to plenty of double-takes when English speakers first encounter mention of it.
I'm a carrier but have never had an outbreak on the genitals. Very rarely get cold sores, but have occasional flair up in my fingers that is annoying for a few days. (Maybe I contracted from fingering??)
I've never given anyone herpes that I am aware of and have been having unprotected sex with my current gf for 4 years now
I was pretty big man whore for a while so never was surprised. No clue who I got it from or even around when.
Its something that has minimal impact on my life
interesting and thanks for this.
Can I what point did you/do you tell women you're rooting? (and there's no judgement from me if the answer is 'I don't'. I'm not sure I would do what this girl did with me)
interesting and thanks for this.
Can I what point did you/do you tell women you're rooting? (and there's no judgement from me if the answer is 'I don't'. I'm not sure I would do what this girl did with me)
There was this one night where I hit it off with a friend of one of my roommates at the club and ended up going back to her place and falling asleep with her and her friend. In the morning, her friend was gone and I started to make a move. She had her head in my lap, topless, and I was massaging her back when my guilty conscience stepped in and I ended up not doing anything with her.
A short while later I was talking to a female friend about the situation and she very nonchalantly said "Why didn't you just tell her an use a condom?". It was then that it hit me, "you still get the same action you got if she just says no".
If a first date was going well I'd just flat out say something like, "This is going pretty good, you should know something about me". Never had a girl walk out. Always just used a condom if it came to it.
More often than you would probably want to know they expressed some relief that they didn't have to bring up the herpres "their cheating ex gave them"
edit: its also worth mentioning that I am not a clean cut christian guy. I'm rought around the edges, vulgar, and kind of sloppy, so I tended to date more women into that
The Online Dating thread,
Now brought to you by WebMD.
i would guess you've probably rooted some carriers already unaware of it because none were as amazingly brave as she was to disclose that beforehand and/or they don't even know they have it/are carriers
ie anyone who get cold sores in their mouth has herpes but they call it a cold sore and not herpes for obvious reasons
this is something i've looked into a bit myself because i had a partner with the same situation
if she isn't active at the moment with sympto
Good morning! People do transmit herpes without sores present.
The odds are low but it does happen.
I dated someone who had cold sores on their mouth every 6-12 months. Nothing ever came of it for me. It is very low risk but it’s a deal breaker for me
In some foreign languages (Spanish and Slovak that I know of) they also call cold sores "herpes", which leads to plenty of double-takes when English speakers first encounter mention of it.
In Brazil (Portuguese but not sure if the same applies to other Portuguese-speaking countries) it is called herpes labial (lip herpes).
would def go gay for luigi
Custom pornstar pocket pussies being sold at grocery stores? maid cafes where you can pay young girls to dress as anime characters and perform dances for patrons? I thought Pattaya was the lonely man paradise but maybe it was Japan, gonna have to check it out.
Now really, if this guy believes that replacing a 'conveyor belt sushi restaurant vending machine ordering' with a waitress is going to change the depopulation problem they facing he's nuts. I think it might be too late already but if I had to say I imagine immigration is going to work better than those silly measures.
I don't agree with banning things by force or centrally planning society in general. Modern urban environments are here to stay as well. IMO the real issue is Japan's "lost decade" of economic stagnation, which some consider as continuing into the present. This would make it a lost three decades, basically prolonged by government interventions designed to lessen the impact of their 1980s-90s boom and bust.
Everyone sees the problems, but come up with the wrong solutions. Younger generations want more socialism to correct the consequences of socialism. Some see assassinating CEOs and taxing billionaires out of existence as a way out, instead of addressing the government incentives that lead to their actions and fortunes.
I agree. Newer generations keep making the same mistakes.
In my opinion, Japan needs more freedom and less control. Human nature is more potent than central planning, and it will run its course and do its job if we stop getting in the way. People will screw around given the opportunity but yes, maybe stopping the xenophobia would help. After all, being "Japanese" is a matter of "pure genetics", or culture? If they want to keep Japanese culture alive they should accept mixed marriages more easily and as long as the mixed person is born in Japan and adapted to its culture then this person should be considered Japanese.
Road trip to Japan?
So i have this friend who I've known 20+ years. We started talking back in chat room days. Lost touch, she found me on FB 14 years ago. We've never met but I've always had a crush on her.
She lives in TX but wants to move when her lease is up this summer. I'm hoping to visit her in February and see if there is any connection in person (we have started texting daily, there is mutual interest, we have a lot in common in terms of wants, expectations, personality, etc). This is the first time i can recall that we've both been single at the same time, so I was finally able to admit my interest in her.
Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but at the same time I've never been the type to guard my feelings.
If it goes well in person, I am hoping to continue seeing each other and see what happens from there. She's open to moving to where I am.
I'm not typically patient but I do believe she's worth waiting for. Maybe it works out, maybe it doesn't, but i at least need to try. I'm just trying to be cool and not be too much, because I'm really excited for this opportunity.
I'm a sucker for fairy tale endings and still optimistic that I'll find mine eventually.
im always mind blown that cold sores=herpes so you had to have had caught herpes to get cold sores?
so if you have cold sores its because of STD then ? so either you kissed someone with herpes themselves or had mouth to prvate parts that had it? (eve if its hidden)
it doesn't have to be an std just a td
i would guess most people with herpes in the mouth didn't receive it sexually - you can get it just sharing utensils or beach towels
i honestly don't know if i would be included, i recall occasionally getting sores on the inside of my cheeks as a kid (and trust me i had zero sexual contact) and idk if that was herpes which went away into "non active herpes carrier" or it was something else and i just called them cold sores because i was a dumb kid and figured there was something in my mouth it must be a cold sore
wasn't until college where you had the "but ackually" crew show up with the "you know that all cold sores are herpes right?" that i learned about that
cross posting this from the 'pisses me off' thread, but I've matched with a very hot woman and she's keen to meet, but she's used 'ha ha' and 'lol' at the end of sentences in our messaging and even worse texted 'Oh know!' instead of 'Oh no!'.
I think I'm gonna have to soldier through because she looks really ****able and she's already told me she doesn't have her kids for another 5 days but it really gives me the ick and I know it makes me an unbearable snob
right after you get your root in tell her all the things that grind your gears about her.
This way you get your root and an easy way to leave.
Or you can just say I am Root over and over