AMA living off the grid

AMA living off the grid


Long time. Some of you may remember me as the guy who went on this road trip. Then I was thinking about moving to the Pacific Northwest. I didn't do that.

I was back in D.C., working a pretty good job, good apartment, and I realized nothing had changed. So I quit, and now I live on six acres in upstate New York, in a tiny cabin (220 sq feet), with a cat.

The usual q/a: Two generators, two small solar panels, 1.2 kW battery system, propane stove, wood heat, six miles from town, work full time, cell phone provides decent internet, composting toilet and no trouble getting dates.

Biggest surprise: How fast it felt normal.

Ask away.

) 2 Views 2
03 August 2016 at 06:58 PM

5 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

hadn't read this thread before, thanks for the bump Brian. Would be ossum to get an update from OP but guessing he's back in gen pop

Oh man. I saw this bumped and thought he was back.

by ElSapo k

As soon as I get the fax machine fixed.

a polite and cultivated terrorist ;-)

If you liked this thread and haven't read the Road Trip thread linked in Post 1, do yourself a favor and read that one too.
