Want to learn limit hold em
What’s the best place to start? I’ve never played and am interested in learning.
6 Replies
It’s the game of the future. Everything is cyclical
Thanks, but can’t you recommend something a little more current? Or at least specific to limit.
Every book I’ve been recommended (asked on Reddit also) was a Sklansky, Miller, or Malmuth. I read these books when I learned no limit hold em.
I didn't know you meant you have already been playing NLH.
You already read all the 2+2 limit holdem books? I would recommend reading them again. There really are not any "current" new LHE books that I know of. There are plenty of older LHE books that still contain good information, but not particularly for beginners. Most of the older LHE books for beginners were pretty bad.
Some of the 2010s books on mixed games have LHE sections.
Linde for sure, and I think Ken Lo as well.