2 Stud High Hands, Orleans $400 Horse
2 hands where steals, and defends are in play. We are ITM, 6 handed, two tables left. Hero starts both hands with ~10 Big Bets. About an average stack.
Hand 1. Hero has (K9)A. A 5 Brings it in, we complete with a Ten calls (wsop bracelet winner) and the unknown bring in calls. All relavant cards are live. 4th street:
Hero (K9)A2
BW (xx)T6
BI (xx)59hh
Second hand
I bring it in with (AK)3h, a jack and 8 fold. Bring in from the previous hand completes with a 5s, behind him are 3s and 5h. I call
He bets, I call
He bets...
3 Replies
Is there anyone out there?
I need some help in figuring these steal/defend spots when I haven't improved by 5th street...
I’d fold both.
In hand 2, I think I’d rather three bet third than defend.
In hand 2 I was closing the action with 2 live overcards to a likely split Tens, and either a 4 flush, or some combination of pair plus draw. At the time I thought I had enough equity, but I am doing pretty badly vs that combined range. That call by the bring in should probably have scared me more than it did (on 4th).
The idea of 2 betting the defend hand is interesting to me. Having played (and understanding) NLHE a lot more than stud, I am more used to a polarized 3! range. I guess that doesn't make much sense here.
Position for 4th street is pretty ambiguous, but if we were in position, I guess we can take a free card unimproved.
As played I did fold both spots.