2 - 7 Resources and (triple draw and single)

2 - 7 Resources and (triple draw and single)

So I am looking at the WSOP schedule that was just released and I am considering some of the mixed games.

I would like to get competent by the time the summer roles around. (Studying a bit each week).

1. Can I be competent by the time summer roles around?

2. Any resources that anyone can recommend? (courses, solvers, etc.)

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17 February 2025 at 11:51 PM

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1) I'm sure you can be competent in three months of study. Getting hands in, thats a different story as these games are tough to find.

2) Mastering Mixed Games by Dylan Linde has sections on both games that are good. Worth checking out.

Also, a poker go subscription is worth it if you wanted to learn both of these games. The 10k streams from last year are both up in full and full of great knowledge, especially the 10k single draw FT with DeathDonkey commentating.

For single draw, you can also find the $1500 WSOP event from 2023 in full on youtube for free, its about 4 hours long and a masterclass from Jason Mercier and Mike Watson--who I've played with in that game in both the 1500 and 10k--and IMO is the best in the world.

3) if you want to get hands in before these 1500s, usually you can find smaller stakes triple draw tournaments ahead of the WSOP 1500, and the orleans usually runs a 200 dollar NL single draw event sometime around the series 1500 as well.
