S8 semi bluff Hand

S8 semi bluff Hand

25-50 with a $30 button ante and a $15 bring in. So with a complete to $25 and a fold back to the bringing, the bring in is getting 7 to 1 to call.

Villian is a somewhat mubsy break even tag. He brings it in with a 4d. Folds to me with only a 9 and the bring in behind.

I complete (As8c)6s and he calls


Me: (As8c)6s2c
Him: (xx)4d7h

He check/calls


Me: (As8c)6s2c6c

I bet, he calls


Me: (As8c)6s2c6c2s
Him: (xx)4d7hKcKd

He tank c/r and I tank 3 bet

) 3 Views 3
20 February 2025 at 02:43 PM

5 Replies

I mean, he's supposed to have a full house here, so your play should be terrible. But he probably doesn't have a full house and your play worked. If I were you I would want to have 74 in the hole to try this.

I just couldn’t see him having a king in the hole unless it was specifically K7 or K4. That combined with the tank made me want to go for it.

Break-even TAG? 😀

I'd guess check/call on 6th is standard here, especially vs tighter villain.

by ninefingershuffle k

I just couldn’t see him having a king in the hole unless it was specifically K7 or K4. That combined with the tank made me want to go for it.

He should defend 100% pre

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Of course he should but what kings are peeling 4th against 62?
