2-7 After Second Draw

2-7 After Second Draw

Playing a tournament 5 handed (stacks not in play), the SB opens and I call with 842.

1,2. Villain bets, I catch a 7 and call.

1,1. Villain checks and I catch a Jack. I have seen no blockers.

More generally what range of hands should I be betting here? Which hands should I check so Villain doesn't break; which hands (like this one?) should I bet so that Villain does break?

This will also be a spot where I have some snows; I assume the usual parameters for that are in place as well, ie having seen a bunch of good blockers to strong hands, and having a weakish draw (ie to a straight).

11 September 2024 at 09:32 PM

3 Replies

You bet hands you intend to pat, and some good draws. This hand is close between the options of bet and plan to pat, or check and plan to draw

DD, not sure it was clear from original post; but I am BB, and in position.

I did bet, with the plan of patting vs a draw or breaking vs a call/pat.

Yep, I was responding to your question of "what range should I bet". Your play is fine here, like I said its a little close though. In these 1-1 turn spots a check call pat is not much of a "thing" so if you ever see it, it can be hard to figure out what sort of range it represents, I wouldn't bother trying to do it yourself
