"All in cash out" using to lower variance

"All in cash out" using to lower variance

Hi all,

since I am getting smashed by variance, beeing way below EV (getting close to 20 BI after 20k hands) I am getting curious about using of cash out option.

Are you using it? In what scenarios, what pot sizes, with how much EV?

I have never used it, but I think it makes sence to use it in big pots with high EV, like +90% where you just don't risk to loose it all when you can have a 90%...

Like for example in hand below, where I am getting all in in 280 BB pot on turn with AA agains KK with 95,45% EV.


So do you have any guidelines for using it or something? 😀

Thank you very much for answers

28 January 2023 at 09:46 PM