Played this single raised pot to perfection

Played this single raised pot to perfection

5/10 game. Hero in the BB with 88. Effective 1450.

UTG opens to 35. Standard ranges apply. He gets 1 caller from MP before it gets to the SB who calls. It gets to me and I had the option to squeeze but I didn’t feel like getting reraised off my hand and was happy to set mine 4 ways.

Pot- 140

Pot comes 8h4h2

Dream flop. All low cards. Top set. Very little in terms of draws I have to worry about. Sb checks. I check through to UTG who obviously bets it for me. He bets out about 50-60.

MP folds and when it gets to SB he raises it to 215. Dream spot. I think about. Tank like I have a marginal hand and then flat the 215 to induce UTG to raise it again. Who kindly obliges. He raised it to 600.

Keep in mind this is a single raised pot. It went 4 ways to the flop. I have the actual nuts as it stands. SB flats the 600 I’m sure assuming I have a weak hand and am nothing to worry about. Well. It gets to me and I jammed it for the remainder of my stack.

UTG calls. SB calls. Run out was clean and I scooped a 4500$ pot. UTG showed QQ and SB mucked because apparently he couldn’t even beat a single pair.

If I had reraised SB after he made it 215 to go I may have folded out UTG and made half as much. If I had reraised preflop UTG may have raised me off my hand and possibly even out of the pot.

The only thing I ****ed up on was not being topped off and at table max when I got all in. They both had me covered by a fair amount and I could have profited an extra 1k. Not a small sum of money

27 December 2023 at 02:38 AM

3 Replies

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Fake hand I refuse to believe OP doesn't know exactly how much the flop bet was

Damn that's insane for a 3-bet pot.

I don’t think I’d 4b 88 unless it was low freq CO vs BTN, but maybe you had a tell on the dealer.
