Another bad beat with Aces

Another bad beat with Aces

So... This might a shot in the dark for any advice, but I just KO at $235 buyin for a 100k Gtd tourney with Aces. Any advice is great!

I had 2 red aces in the BB with 75bb and the btn with 83bb raised 3bb with 7s6s. I 3bet to 15bb and btn called. Flop was Jh3s4s and I lead out for 12bb and btn raises to 30bb. I tanked and shoved for another 47bb and btn called. Turn 5d, river 6h. Btn had the nuts.
I was wondering if this was just a cooler or was there a small chance for me to get away. Did I reraise too much? Should I had called and re-evaluate with the turn card? Or was it my time to go? Thanks again.

Back story, btn was on their 2nd bullet but a solid player from what I seen. However, they said outloud that bluffed a lot and that's why they thought I was weak and called me preflop with plans to bet me off my hand. However, I late registered into this tourney and just sat down for 1 orbit and won 3 pots Back to Back before this bad beat hand. Maybe unlucky for me but lucky for them.

17 June 2024 at 05:24 AM

4 Replies

It was a race. You lost. It wasn’t even a particularly bad beat. Button had plenty of equity to call your shove. He had 12 outs - 9 spades plus 3 non-spade 5’s. The probability that you’d dodge these outs with two cards to come is 33/45 x 32/44 = 53.3%. This was no worse than shoving pre with a pocket pair and losing to someone who called with two overcards. Such is tournament poker.

One thing people need to get out of their head is that when they have AA they should win the pot. They are only you first two cards.

My buddy said the same thing. Aces is just another pair.

Thanks! Yeah, I talked it over with a few poker buddies. Only thing they said I could had done was reduce my preflop bet to 4x from 5x and I shouldn't lead out a bet without an Ace of Spades. Check the flop and check-raise if they bet. But you are right, nothing I can do. It was my time to die in the tournament.
