Lucy's Fur Tourney Results

Lucy's Fur Tourney Results

Collected $20.64 in bounties, and got $9.7 for finishing first.

Honestly really happy with this placement. At some poin

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03 July 2024 at 01:42 AM

54 Replies


by Lucy's Fur k

inclined and have a habit of creating formulas (sometimes I rediscover old formulas, and other times they are brand new)

So much gold tbh.

by nootaboos k

So much gold tbh.

K. Just because you're lacking in intellect, doesn't mean the rest of us are.

Here's the cover of the research paper regarding the formula and it adds unique operators not used previously by other mathematicians; but truthfully the operators are really just a representation of series and dimensions to bring them into.

Below is some context.

Number to left of symbol is series starting point; and number in top right is dimensions series is brought into. First context is single dimension series; second context picture is 5 spatial dimensions the series exists within.

*Keep in mind this is a 2 dimensional representation of a 5 dimensional structure. It's not how it actually looks. It's how we as humans parse it.

You might not be impressed; which is fine, but I'm not lying to you, and you're the fool who doesn't realize he's having a laugh at my expense thinking I'm lying, but the truth is more like you're just too simple to comprehend advanced concepts. I'm also kind of limited in what I can say because mods ban me all the time. I can't just call you a c'nt and be done with it. That's my preferred method tbh.

My rediscovered formulas don't matter as much because they've already been found by others.

its really impressive that you think "I cant just call you a c*nt" is somehow different from just calling someone a c*nt.

It like children doing the "im not touching you" thing with their finger in your face.

I dont know enough about advanced math/statistics to know if you are FoS, but a paper with multiple fonts, text sizes, and colors on the cover isnt a good start. Plus there is no connection to the site's RnG.

it's great to have you posting with us here Mr. Howard, wish they would have kept you on after iron man 1

Locking this thread for now.
