Busting my account after my 1° month of trading consistency
After 5 years (accumulated) of hard work, I found the way for profitability.
But in the half way I completely lost my professionalism. I started to make an amount of money I have never made before.
I got blindly greedy and biased. I started to make a RELATIVE good amount of money very fast in this last 35 days. I started the month with a very tiny amount and my balance just started to skyrocket day by day. And that was the phormula to get me out of the track. I lost my technical capability. I started to only desiring to make a huge amount of money everyday, using compound calculators to forecast my ideal P&L for the next months, and dreaming about the girls, cars, travels and providing the best for my family. And of course, I found the key level that was not respected, but I wouldn't accept that loss. Let's defend the next level, then the next one (now, it should respect and price back to make a profit), then the next one is broken, then average price, until price ran 360 ticks, AND MARGIN CALL.
I'm so lucky. I'm glad that happened.
That made me much better technically and mentally.
I just started to trade again and I'm sure the lesson will bear amazing fruits.