Shufflemaster could be rigged too? Patent info, computerized shuffle

Shufflemaster could be rigged too? Patent info, computerized shuffle

Thoughts on this

Patent 6651982, Open an account at freepatentsonline (FREE) & research this patent. Have to have account for full view, download PDF form.

Most poker players will find it interesting that the shufflemaster deckmate doesnt actually shuffle the cards, It sorts them based on software instructions that are sent to the machines microprocessor. In other words as far as the shuffle is concerned its like playing online. They can be controlled by RNG or set to deal the cards in any order desired by whoever programs the software. Machines have card recognition (suit & rank) which the computer program uses to sort the cards in a predetermined (nonrandom) order.

Ive known myself for years that the machines didnt deal the same as handshuffled games, but now have the info in hand of how they actually work. It seems as though non-action hands are dealt on the shufflemaster, I believe to keep players from going broke to maintain playerbase. Also a company called ameranth wireless recently partnered with shufflemaster to make software for the deckmate, this is part of their poker management solutions, sounds like they are developing software to help pokerrooms keep players rather than deal random cards. This is scary stuff along with the new electronic poker tables which I'll never play.

15 August 2008 at 09:10 AM

3 Replies

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After years and years of previous threads some as far as I can see with such a short search date back to 2008 even, it's blatantly obvious after the massive reveal with the industry about the vulnerability within Deckmate 2 or other products most likely that this is a risk to the customer.

For this type of cheating method to become defunk it's actually an easy fix but would require international standardisation of the dealers dealing protocols using a shuffling machine.
1) discard old deck into DM2 and retrieve new deck from DM2
2) riffle once and cut
3) deal the cards

As you can see the only thing that changed is step 2*. This would take around 2 seconds a deal more. Small price yo pay by the casino and players to add more integrity to the game using any of these products.

As a community we need to speak up. Until this is a standard there is a risk that the game could be unfair every deal using an electric shuffling machine if *step 2* is not implemented.

by Ray Zee k

thanks sufflemaster for your info on this subject. and more is always welcome. as you know on these forums not responding or making false statements can break a company as it will spread throughout the community. so its a welcome sight to see you responding.

what bothers me is that not your company but another person, employee of yours, or group can change the machine in some way to easily cheat the players. it does not have to put out exact hands to players by recognizing them but just doing a

As it's been shown and shared and is now common knowledge for anyone who understands this flaw a cut doesn't do anything as the order of the cards are already know and a CUT DOES NOT CHANGE THE KNOWN ORDER/SEQUENCE OF A DM2 SHUFFLED DECK.

After a DM2 shuffle it would require at least one riffle then a cut to make this security flaw disappear.

It is not a "security flaw" as actual security flaws that can be easily and cheaply fixed are fixed. Being able to cheat is a design feature.
