back to golden days

back to golden days

as a newcomer i always like to hear stories back from the days when the poker was the new thing and it was gold feel free to describe the situation back then


Mod edit: each post in this thread has to start with 'Back in the Golden Days'. This rule is effective starting from April '19. Posts which are not properly formatted will be edited or deleted by a mod.

) 5 Views 5
08 June 2017 at 09:50 AM

9 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

Back in the Golden Days Denmark was an independent nation not owned by Australia.

Back in the Golden Days, posters such as Mr. Whiskey or Mr. Natamus wouldn't return to BBV only to disappear again within days.

Back in the Golden Days people posted in this thread. I also had a lot more hair back in 2017!

Back in the Golden Days, I once stacked a fish on the flop when I had the toppest pair. true story.


also banged all your moms

Back in the Golden Days it was Christmas every day!

Back in the Golden Days my son came home for XMas :(

Back in the Golden Days, BBV regulars would correctly capitalize "Golden Days".

Back in the Golden Days it was still 2024

Back in the Golden Days I dated a 23 year old when I was 32.
