Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals
My poker goals this year are:
1) Make 10k profit playing 50nl online
2) Make 10k profit playing $1/$3 live
It's mid February and so far I am:
1) $600 down online
2) $1300 down live
Literally every session I've played this year has been a losing session except for one session, where I broke even.
I don't think I'm playing that badly. I'll admit that I've made a few mistakes here and there, but for the most part, I just seem to be getting constantly coolered. I'm actually pretty good at getting away from hands when I'm beat, like I'll know I have to fold my TPTK on the turn when someone raises me, but it still costs me a third of my stack nonetheless, and it happens so often.
In addition to this, my friends have been extremely discouraging. "You're 24 years old, isn't it time you give up on your poker dreams and get a real job?" I want to prove them wrong so badly but it's just not working out.
Any advice, support, criticism or anything for me?
1 Reply
Reading couple bits back of this is still gold.
Wander where mirage is keyboard warrioring now and if he's made any friends yet