Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $16k
I start this with some pictures:
nl2 -$8792.18 -82 buy ins below EV
nl5 (notice that pt4 shows party poker nl5 as nl4) -$5943.81
nl10 -$773.92 -15 buy ins below EV
Total loss -$15509.91
This is me playing nl2, nl5 and nl10 on party poker for one year.
My history begins somewhere in same period when they started to show WSOP shows in television. I think I have played 12-13 years nows mainly NL2, some amount of NL5 and little bit of NL10 what is the biggest stake i've ever played.
I've read all Sklansky, all Harrington, all Miller, watched huge amount of videos, bought trackers and calculators.
Still after those years and after that all I've lost huge amount of money on those stakes. I try to play my best but losing to huge suckouts like 95/5 favorite makes me really upset.
I've lost literally all my money including all my life savings to online poker. I want to try one last time to win those money back and little bit of extra. That's why $16k. What I need is support and guiding.
I had thread on micro forum but they deleted it just when people start to understand that this is real situation and not fake.
And if you wonder where that biggest loser comes from it was said by guy who has been playing for living many years. He said I'm the biggest loser in history counted as lost buy ins.
Congratulations, Paisting.
Are you going to quit now? You proved everything you wanted, time to retire.
Wow, Variance can really make anyone a winner.
Very well done! You should definitely move up in stakes!
Actually, nvm, looks like the eastyyy hand you mentioned was from a while back.
Fair play and congrats on the winning month.
Gratz! I look forward to reading about your next winning month in 20 years.
Paisting redemption arc incoming
Hell yeah congrats dude!
Holy fk, pigs really do fly. Congratz!
I came across this on a YouTube short and couldn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. I’m truly sorry to hear about this
Mods please update thread title to "Biggest loser in online poker history wants to grind $121.69"
Congrats on the $121 Paistings! Has anyone done the math of how much you're down since you started this thread?
After nearly 20 years of playing Paisting is punishing the whales and making a first winning month and profit of $121.69 with his own style of play! Many didn’t believe it could happen. Many have quit poker entirely over the past 20 years even after making tens of thousands at some point. The old saying came true: when you drive hard, crap tends to fall off the wagon. Paisting is still here! Many have said that I have a gambling problem and would never succeed in
You're my hero, Paisting.
Has lost tens of thousands of dollars over many years and has one month where the green line finally stays above 0. Calls it "winnings"
The delusion continues.
Well done?
Can't wait for next months train wreck.
It has to be way more than that. He lost 16k in the 12 months before he started this thread. If he's really been doing this for 20 years and has only had one winning month it has to be closer to 200k in losses.
It has to be way more than that. He lost 16k in the 12 months before he started this thread. If he's really been doing this for 20 years and has only had one winning month it has to be closer to 200k in losses.
Yeah, he had a blog on a Finnish poker site way before this. It's about a quarter million dollars lost at this point.
Paisting, any pics from the restaurant? Or the winning have already been shoved into those whales?
Congratulations sir!
First of all I want to thank everyone for the congratulations. I believed in this all along and it’s great to see how over the years many of the players who were talking big and some of them made quite a decent profit have completely disappeared and I'm still here.
This is one of the most ambitious and determined things to ever happen in the history of online poker. And I have to say it’s also one of the most significant.
One of the best parts about this is that many haven’t even been able to show they can play 20k hands a month even at the nl2. There’s been a lot of big talk, but not enough ambition to sit down and grind 20k hands in a month. Besides the whales I also showed all the forum's loudmouths my hairy ass with this.
Definitely not. When you come and see this topic every month and every year Paisting will keep on punishing.
NL10 is and will be the biggest stake i'll ever play. In fact when I reach a break even point at nl10 considering all the hands I’ve played I’ll move down to playing at nl5 with same target in mind. Tournaments are different thing. I might sometimes play bigger tournament up to $100, but that is happening rarely.
Eastyy posted those videos with big delay. He made those losing calls many times earlier so it was really hilarious to look videos comments where people hoped that the last hand of he's challenge would have been against me. I bluffed him badly and made him call like whale. But big respect to him to take me as part of his journey like ultimate nemesis. I've made Eastyy more popular and he did that to me so I think we are even with everything. Maybe someday we will battle again, who knows.
I came across this on a YouTube short and couldn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes. I’m truly sorry to hear about this
Don't be sorry that the last month wasn't losing one. I know many come here to enjoy their big losses. Probably jerking off at the same time.
Paisting, any pics from the restaurant? Or the winning have already been shoved into those whales?
I went out for some beef tenderloin and had a glass of red wine. While enjoying it I thought about all the whales with 80% steal, calling every reraise, never folding to any flop. I also thought about all the limp callers not folders. It tasted even better.
Wow Paisting great month happy you had the winning month in the end
Dinner sounds amazing and glad you enjoyed it
Lest anyone think Paisting ate dinner alone — he ate with all of the whales he's punished and donated enormous amounts of money to over the years in mind!
First of all I want to thank everyone for the congratulations. I believed in this all along and it’s great to see how over the years many of the players who were talking big and some of them made quite a decent profit have completely disappeared and I'm still here.
They probably left because they made quite a decent profit and decided to move on with their life or move up in stakes.
20 years? How is this real?